weather thermal

weather thermal
метеорологические приливы

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "weather thermal" в других словарях:

  • thermal — ther|mal1 [ˈθə:məl US ˈθə:r ] adj [only before noun] [Date: 1700 1800; : Greek; Origin: therme; THERM] 1.) relating to or caused by heat ▪ thermal energy 2.) thermal clothing is made from special material to keep you warm in very cold weather ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • thermal — 1 adjective (only before noun) 1 concerned with or caused by heat: thermal energy | thermal conductivity 2 thermal water is heated naturally under the earth: thermal springs 3 thermal clothing is made from special material to keep you warm in… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Thermal degradation of polymers — is molecular deterioration as a result of overheating. At high temperatures the components of the long chain backbone of the polymer can begin to separate (molecular scission) and react with one another to change the properties of the polymer.… …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal transmittance — Thermal transmittance, also known as U value, is the rate of transfer of heat (in watts) through one square metre of a structure divided by the difference in temperature across the structure. It is expressed in watts per square metre per kelvin,… …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal radiation — is electromagnetic radiation emitted from the surface of an object which is due to the object s temperature. Infrared radiation from a common household radiator or electric heater is an example of thermal radiation, as is the light emitted by a… …   Wikipedia

  • Weather testing of polymers — is the controlled polymer degradation and polymer coating degradation under lab or natural conditions.Just like errosion of rocks, natural phenomena can cause degratation in polymer systems. The elements of most concern to polymers are… …   Wikipedia

  • Weather satellite — GOES 8, a United States weather satellite. The weather satellite is a type of satellite that is primarily used to monitor the weather and climate of the Earth. Satellites can be either polar orbiting, seeing the same swath of the Earth every 12… …   Wikipedia

  • weather modification — Deliberate or inadvertent alteration of atmospheric conditions by human activity, sufficient to modify the weather on a local or regional scale. Deliberate alterations include covering plants to keep them warm at night, seeding clouds to induce… …   Universalium

  • Thermal expansion — Thermodynamics …   Wikipedia

  • weather forecasting — Prediction of the weather through application of the principles of physics and meteorology. Weather forecasting predicts atmospheric phenomena and changes on the Earth s surface caused by atmospheric conditions (snow and ice cover, storm tides,… …   Universalium

  • Thermal energy storage — District heating accumulation tower from Theiss near Krems an der Donau in Lower Austria with a thermal capacity of 2 GWh Thermal energy storage comprises a number of technologies that store thermal energy in energy storage reservoirs for later… …   Wikipedia

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