- water carrier
водоносный слой
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
water carrier — noun 1. : a carrier of goods or people using the sea or waterways in transportation 2. a. : a man or beast that carries or distributes water (as to domestic establishments or troops) b. : a tank, pipe, or channel for conveying water c. : a rain… … Useful english dictionary
Water carrier of Seville — (1619; London, Wellington Museum) Diego Velazquez painted the Water Carrier of Seville four years before entering in the service of King Philip IV of Spain. It belongs to his Sevillian period when bodegones were his favored subjects, usually… … Dictionary of Renaissance art
water carrier — Synonyms and related words: Aquarius, Cloudcuckooland, Ganymede, Hebe, alto cumulus, alto stratus, anvil cloud, aqueduct, arroyo, banner cloud, bearer, bed, bheesty, billowy cloud, busboy, caddie, canal, cap cloud, cargo handler, carrier, carrier … Moby Thesaurus
water carrier — n. person who carries water; pipe or tank for transporting water; ship that conveys goods or people by navigable body of water … English contemporary dictionary
water carrier — /ˈwɔtə kæriə/ (say wawtuh kareeuh) noun 1. a person who or an animal which carries water. 2. a container for carrying water. 3. Railways a freight carriage of cylindrical shape, designed for the transportation of water or other liquids …
water carrier — 1. a person who carries water, as to a body of troops. 2. a pipe, duct, or tank for conveying water. 3. a ship that transports goods or persons by waterway or sea routes. [1645 55] * * * … Universalium
water carrier — A carrier operating vessels … Ballentine's law dictionary
Water Carrier — n. Aquarius, 11th sign of the zodiac; constellation Aquarius; (Astrology) person born under the Aquarius sign, water bearer … English contemporary dictionary
Water Carrier Act — A federal statute regulating water carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce. 49 USC §§ 901 et seq … Ballentine's law dictionary
water-carrier — … Useful english dictionary
National Water Carrier of Israel — The National Water Carrier near Beit Netofa The National Water Carrier of Israel (Hebrew: המוביל הארצי, HaMovil HaArtzi) is the largest water project in Israel.[1] Its main task is to transfer water from the … Wikipedia