- bleed valve
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
bleed valve — bleed nipple or bleed valve noun A valve to enable liquid or gas to be drawn from a closed system or tank • • • Main Entry: ↑bleed … Useful english dictionary
bleed valve — A valve designed to relieve the back pressure in a compressor, which helps to reduce the angle of attack of the rotor blades and prevent compressor stall and compressor surge. A bleed valve permits higher mass airflow through the compressor and… … Aviation dictionary
bleed valve — [1] A valve with small opening inside which permits a minimum fluid flow when valve is closed. [2]The device which vents air from the brake system … Dictionary of automotive terms
bleed nipple — or bleed valve noun A valve to enable liquid or gas to be drawn from a closed system or tank • • • Main Entry: ↑bleed … Useful english dictionary
valve — A device used to either open or close an opening to allow or prevent the flow of a liquid or gas from one place to another. There are many different types. See ABS relay valve accumultor valve air valve carburetor air control valve air gulp valve … Dictionary of automotive terms
bleed — /bleed/, v., bled /bled/, bleeding, n., adj. v.i. 1. to lose blood from the vascular system, either internally into the body or externally through a natural orifice or break in the skin: to bleed from the mouth. 2. (of injured tissue,… … Universalium
bleed|er — «BLEE duhr», noun. 1. a person who bleeds excessively when injured, because the blood fails to clot; hemophiliac. 2. = bleeder valve. (Cf. ↑bleeder valve) 3. Electronics. a resistor connected across a power source to improve the voltage… … Useful english dictionary
bleed — ► VERB (past and past part. bled) 1) lose blood from the body as a result of injury or illness. 2) draw blood from (someone) as a former method of medical treatment. 3) informal drain of money or resources. 4) (of dye or colour) seep into an… … English terms dictionary
bleed — [[t]blid[/t]] v. bled(bled), bleed•ing, 1) pat to lose, discharge, or exude blood 2) bot (of a plant) to exude sap, resin, etc., from a wound 3) tex a) to run or become diffused: The colors bled when the dress was washed[/ex] b) tex to lose or… … From formal English to slang
bleed off — To take off a part or all of a fluid from a tank or line, normally through an escape valve or outlet, as in to bleed off air … Aviation dictionary
bleed — verb (past and past participle bled) 1》 lose blood from the body as a result of injury or illness. 2》 draw blood from (someone) as a former method of medical treatment. 3》 (often in phr. bleed someone dry) informal drain of money or resources. 4》 … English new terms dictionary