- walkover
пеший маршрут
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Walkover — Walkover, abgekürzt w. o. (engl. auch walk over geschrieben; dt. „Spaziergang, leichtes Spiel“), ist ein besonders im Sport gebräuchlicher Terminus. Er bedeutet einen auf außerordentlich leichte Weise errungenen Sieg. Wer dem Gegner ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Walkover — Drame de Jerzy Skolimowski, avec Jerzy Skolimowski, Aleksandra Zawieruszanka. Pays: Pologne Date de sortie: 1965 Technique: noir et blanc Durée: 1 h 30 Résumé Un jeune désœuvré se laisse convaincre par un entraîneur de participer … Dictionnaire mondial des Films
walkover — ► NOUN ▪ an easy victory … English terms dictionary
walkover — [wôk′ō΄vər] n. 1. a race in which the one horse entered has merely to walk over the course to win 2. an easily won victory … English World dictionary
WALKOVER — Макс Симаков (соло гитара), Сергей Лугов (ритм гитара) и Евгений Жендос Тиханков (ударные) с детства увлекались музыкой, мечтая о создании группы. К 16 ти годам они приобрели самые необходимые качества для музыкантов: навыки игры, желание… … Русский рок. Малая энциклопедия
Walkover — A walkover is the awarding of a victory to a contestant because there are no other contestants, or because the other contestants have been disqualified or have forfeited. The term can apply in sport, but can also apply to elections. Use in sports … Wikipedia
Walkover — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar … Wikipedia Español
walkover — /wawk oh veuhr/, n. 1. Racing. a walking or trotting over the course by a contestant who is the only starter. 2. an unopposed or easy victory. 3. any task easily done. 4. Gymnastics. a vertical rotation of the body from a standing position,… … Universalium
walkover — UK [ˈwɔːkˌəʊvə(r)] / US [ˈwɔkˌoʊvər] noun [countable] Word forms walkover : singular walkover plural walkovers informal an easy victory or achievement … English dictionary
walkover — n. an easy victory; an easy task. (From sports.) □ The game was a walkover. No problem. □ Learning the computer’s operating system was no walkover for me … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
walkover — noun a) An easy victory; a walkaway. The trains walkover seats are turned by the crew. b) A bye or victory awarded to a competitor when a scheduled opponent fails to play a … Wiktionary