- volumetric
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
volumetric — VOLUMÉTRIC, Ă, volumetrici, ce, adj. Care se referă la determinarea volumului (I) unui corp. ♢ Analiză volumetrică = analiză pentru determinarea greutăţii unei substanţe prin măsurarea volumului soluţiei etalonate folosite pentru titrare. – Din… … Dicționar Român
Volumetric — Vol u*met ric, a. [Volume + metric.] Of or pertaining to the measurement of volume. [1913 Webster] {Volumetric analysis} (Chem.), that system of the quantitative analysis of solutions which employs definite volumes of standardized solutions of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
volumetric — 1857, from volumeter (1829) + IC (Cf. ic) … Etymology dictionary
volumetric — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to the measurement of volume. DERIVATIVES volumetrically adverb … English terms dictionary
volumetric — [väl΄yo͞o me′trik] adj. [< VOLUMETER + IC] of or based on the measurement of volume: also volumetrical volumetrically adv … English World dictionary
Volumetric efficiency — in internal combustion engine design refers to the efficiency with which the engine can move the charge into and out of the cylinders. More correctly, volumetric efficiency is a ratio (or percentage) of what volume of fuel and air actually enters … Wikipedia
Volumetric weight — Volumetric weight, also known as Dimensional weight is used to used by postal companies and other freight industries and courier services around the world to invoice for the actual space that a parcel, package or pallet takes up in a vehicle or… … Wikipedia
Volumetric heat capacity — (VHC) describes the ability of a given volume of a substance to store internal energy while undergoing a given temperature change, but without undergoing a phase change. It is different from specific heat capacity in that the VHC depends on the… … Wikipedia
Volumetric lighting — is a technique used in 3D computer graphics to add Tyndall effect lighting to a rendered scene. The term seems to have been introduced from cinematography and is now widely applied to 3D modelling and rendering especially in the field of 3D… … Wikipedia
Volumetric analysis — Volumetric Vol u*met ric, a. [Volume + metric.] Of or pertaining to the measurement of volume. [1913 Webster] {Volumetric analysis} (Chem.), that system of the quantitative analysis of solutions which employs definite volumes of standardized… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Volumetric pipettes — are tools for measuring precise volumes of a liquid. Pipettes are typically long tubes, open on both ends, marked to contain (or deliver) a certain volume of liquid. They are commonly used in analytical chemistry to make up diluted solutions by… … Wikipedia