- void hole
незаряжаемая скважина
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
hole — n Hole, hollow, cavity, pocket, void, vacuum are comparable when they mean an open or unfilled space in a thing. Hole may apply to an opening in a solid body that is or that suggests a depression or an excavation {those holes where eyes did once… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
void — [adj1] empty abandoned, bare, barren, bereft, clear, deprived, destitute, devoid, drained, emptied, free, lacking, scant, short, shy, tenantless, unfilled, unoccupied, vacant, vacuous, without; concepts 481,583,740,774 Ant. filled, full, occupied … New thesaurus
void — adj 1 *empty, vacant, blank, vacuous Analogous words: exhausted, depleted, drained (see DEPLETE): *bare, barren: hollow, empty, nugatory, *vain 2 *devoid, destitute … New Dictionary of Synonyms
hole — [n1] opening in a solid object aperture, breach, break, burrow, cave, cavern, cavity, chamber, chasm, chink, cistern, cleft, covert, crack, cranny, crater, cut, den, dent, depression, dimple, dip, excavation, eyelet, fissure, foramen, fracture,… … New thesaurus
Void Trilogy — The Void Trilogy is a science fiction series by British SF writer Peter F. Hamilton. The series is set in the same universe as The Commonwealth Saga, 1,200 years after the end of Judas Unchained .Announced in August 2005, the series contract… … Wikipedia
hole — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. opening, aperture, gap, cavity; excavation, hollow; slot, puncture; dungeon; cave; space. See concavity, abode, interval. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A perforation] Syn. notch, puncture, slot, eyelet,… … English dictionary for students
void — 1. noun the void of space Syn: vacuum, emptiness, nothingness, nullity, blankness, vacuity; empty space, blank space, space, gap, cavity, chasm, abyss, gulf, pit, black hole 2. verb the contract was voided … Thesaurus of popular words
Void (astronomy) — The universe within 1 billion light years (307 Mpc) of Earth, showing local superclusters and voids … Wikipedia
hole — Synonyms and related words: Augean stables, Babylon, CAT, Gomorrah, Sodom, abode, abri, abysm, abyss, aerospace, aerosphere, air hole, air pocket, airspace, alveolation, alveolus, antre, antrum, aperture, area, armpit, arroyo, asylum, auger,… … Moby Thesaurus
void — Synonyms and related words: abandon, abbreviate, abnegate, abolish, abridge, abrogate, absence, abysm, abyss, acreage, annihilate, annul, area, arroyo, bankrupt in, bare, bare of, barren, bereft of, bland, blank, blankness, bleached, blot out,… … Moby Thesaurus
void — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. empty, vacuous, blank; unoccupied, untenanted; devoid, lacking, unfilled; ineffectual; null, invalid; not binding; vain, unreal, unsubstantial. v. t. vacate; abrogate, nullify, negate; evacuate,… … English dictionary for students