- vitrophyre
- петр. витрофир
* * *витрофир
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
vitrophyre — vit·ro·phyre … English syllables
vitrophyre — … Useful english dictionary
Spherulite — Spherulites, in petrology, are small, rounded bodies that commonly occur in vitreous igneous rocks. They are often visible in specimens of obsidian, pitchstone and rhyolite as globules about the size of millet seed or rice grain, with a duller… … Wikipedia
Витрофир — общий термин для порфировых п., обладающих составом кварцевого порфира или ортофира и стекловатой основной массой. Геологический словарь: в 2 х томах. М.: Недра. Под редакцией К. Н. Паффенгольца и др.. 1978 … Геологическая энциклопедия
Rhyolite — This page is about a volcanic rock. For the ghost town see Rhyolite, Nevada, and for the satellite system, see Rhyolite/Aquacade. Rhyolite is an igneous, volcanic (extrusive) rock, of felsic (silicon rich) composition (typically >69% SiO2 mdash;… … Wikipedia
Ignimbrite — is a volcanic pyroclastic rock, often of dacitic or rhyolitic composition. Ignimbrite is the deposit of a pumice rich pyroclastic density current, or pyroclastic flow , a hot suspension of particles and gases that flows rapidly from a volcano,… … Wikipedia
Moon rock — Olivine basalt collected by Apollo 15. Moon rock describes rock that formed on the Earth s moon. The term is also loosely applied to other lunar materials collected during the course of human exploration of the Moon. The rocks collect … Wikipedia
Stone balls — The terms Stone balls, stone ball , stone spheres , and stone sphere have been used to designate spherical stone objects of both natural and artificial origin. Different types of stone balls include:Natural*Natural Stone Balls **megaspherulites… … Wikipedia
perlite — perlitic /perr lit ik/, adj. /perr luyt/, n. Petrog. a volcanic glass in which concentric fractures impart a distinctive structure resembling masses of small spheroids, used as a plant growth medium. Also, pearlite. [1825 35; < F; see PEARL1,… … Universalium
pitchstone — /pich stohn /, n. a glassy volcanic rock having a resinous luster and resembling hardened pitch. [1775 85; trans. of G Pechstein. See PITCH2, STONE] * * * ▪ natural glass a volcanic glass with a conchoidal fracture (like glass), a resinous… … Universalium
igneous rock — Any of various crystalline or glassy, noncrystalline rocks formed by the cooling and solidification of molten earth material (magma). Igneous rocks comprise one of the three principal classes of rocks, the others being metamorphic and sedimentary … Universalium