- violent bump
• горный удар• сильный выброс породы
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
bump — vb Bump, clash, collide, conflict are comparable when they mean to come or cause to come into violent contact or close or direct opposition. Bump is used primarily of physical matters and then implies a forceful knocking or running against,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Bump — Bump, v. i. To come in violent contact with something; to thump. Bumping and jumping. Southey. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bump — bumpingly, adv. /bump/, v.t. 1. to come more or less violently in contact with; collide with; strike: His car bumped a truck. 2. to cause to strike or collide: He bumped the car against a tree. 3. to dislodge or displace by the force of collision … Universalium
bump off — {v.}, {slang} To kill in a violent way; murder in gangster fashion. * /Hoodlums in a speeding car bumped him off with Tommy guns./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bump off — {v.}, {slang} To kill in a violent way; murder in gangster fashion. * /Hoodlums in a speeding car bumped him off with Tommy guns./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bump — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. collide, knock, strike, hit. See impulse. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A jarring collision] Syn. knock, bang, bounce, jounce, jar, box, smash, pat, crack, jolt, crash, sideswipe, collision, blow, punch, hit … English dictionary for students
bump\ off — v slang To kill in a violent way; murder in gangster fashion. Hoodlums in a speeding car bumped him off with Tommy guns … Словарь американских идиом
List of violent spectator incidents in sports — This list of violent spectator incidents in sports includes events in which a spectator at a sporting event was engaged in a violent confrontation with an athlete, coach or game official, either through the spectator s intrusion upon the field of … Wikipedia
(s)teu-1 — (s)teu 1 English meaning: to push, hit Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘stoßen, schlagen” under likewise Note: with conservative extensions Material: A. (s)teu k : Gk. τύκος “hammer, chisel; Streitaxt”, τυκίζω “bearbeite Steine”, τυκάνη … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Anybody Killa — (ABK) Nom James Lowery Naissance 26 juillet 1973 (1973 07 26) (38 ans) Pays d’origine Détroit (Michigan) … Wikipédia en Français
Blaze Ya Dead Homie — Nom Chris Rouleau Naissance 27 avril 1976 (1976 04 27) (35 ans) Pays d’origine Romeo, Michigan … Wikipédia en Français