English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
VES — steht für: ventrikuläre Extrasystolen Verhaltenserwartungsskala Video Entertainment System, eine Spielkonsole der 1970er Jahre Visual Effects Society, eine US amerikanische Gesellschaft für visuelle Effekte Vereinigte Eisenbahn Signalwerke, ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
veš — vȅš m <G vèša> DEFINICIJA žarg. 1. rublje 2. meton. pranje rublja [ (imati) veliki veš, razg. dan kada se u kućanstvu pere rublje cijele obitelji (u lugu i po nekadašnjim običajima)] FRAZEOLOGIJA prati (javno) prljavi veš pren. javno se… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Ves — may refer to: *VES *Veps, a Finno Ugric people in northwestern Russia … Wikipedia
VES — may refer to:*Video Entertainment System *Vieques Air Link (ICAO Code: VES) *Visual Effects Society *Virginia Episcopal School *Virtual Execution System *Voluntary Euthanasia Society … Wikipedia
Ves — steht für den dänischen Namen der Gemeinde Wees im Kreis Schleswig Flensburg in Schleswig Holstein VES steht für ventrikuläre Extrasystolen Verhaltenserwartungsskala Video Entertainment System, eine Spielkonsole der 1970er Jahre Visual Effects… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ves|ta — «VEHS tuh», noun. 1. the Roman goddess of the hearth, the hearth fire, and the household. The Greeks called her Hestia. A sacred fire, guarded by the vestal virgins, was always kept burning in the temple of Vesta. 2. Astronomy. one of the… … Useful english dictionary
Ves|ta — «VEHS tuh», noun. 1. the Roman goddess of the hearth, the hearth fire, and the household. The Greeks called her Hestia. A sacred fire, guarded by the vestal virgins, was always kept burning in the temple of Vesta. 2. Astronomy. one of the… … Useful english dictionary
VES — s.f.inv. TS med. → velocità di eritrosedimentazione {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: propr. sigla di Velocità di Eritrosedimentazione … Dizionario italiano
ves|i|ca|to|ry — «VEHS uh kuh TAWR ee, TOHR », adjective, noun, plural ries. –adj. that can raise blisters. –n. = vesicant. (Cf. ↑vesicant) … Useful english dictionary
ves|pi|ar|y — «VEHS pee EHR ee», noun, plural ar|ies. a nest or colony of social wasps. ╂[< Latin vespa wasp; patterned on apiary] … Useful english dictionary
Ves|ta|li|a — «vehs TAY lee uh, TAYL yuh», noun (plural). an ancient Roman festival honoring Vesta, celebrated in June. ╂[< Latin Vestālia < Vesta] … Useful english dictionary