- vermiform
- пал. червеобразный
* * *червеобразный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
vermiform — VERMIFÓRM, Ă, vermiformi, e, adj. Care are forma sau mişcarea caracteristică unui vierme; vermicular. – Din fr. vermiforme. cf. it. v e r m i f o r m e. Trimis de ana zecheru, 03.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 VERMIFÓRM adj. vermicular. (Cu aspect… … Dicționar Român
Vermiform — Ver mi*form, a. [L. vermis a worm + form.] Resembling a worm in form or motions; vermicular; as, the vermiform process of the cerebellum. [1913 Webster] {Vermiform appendix} (Anat.), a slender blind process of the c[ae]cum in man and some other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vermiform — worm shaped, 1730, from Mod.L. vermiformis, from L. vermis worm (see WORM (Cf. worm)) + forma form (see FORM (Cf. form)) … Etymology dictionary
vermiform — ► ADJECTIVE chiefly Zoology or Anatomy ▪ resembling or having the form of a worm … English terms dictionary
vermiform — [vʉr′mə fôrm΄] adj. [ VERMI + FORM] shaped like a worm … English World dictionary
vermiform — adj. worm shaped. Phrases and idioms: vermiform appendix see APPENDIX 1 … Useful english dictionary
vermiform appendage — Vermiform Ver mi*form, a. [L. vermis a worm + form.] Resembling a worm in form or motions; vermicular; as, the vermiform process of the cerebellum. [1913 Webster] {Vermiform appendix} (Anat.), a slender blind process of the c[ae]cum in man and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vermiform appendix — Vermiform Ver mi*form, a. [L. vermis a worm + form.] Resembling a worm in form or motions; vermicular; as, the vermiform process of the cerebellum. [1913 Webster] {Vermiform appendix} (Anat.), a slender blind process of the c[ae]cum in man and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vermiform process — Vermiform Ver mi*form, a. [L. vermis a worm + form.] Resembling a worm in form or motions; vermicular; as, the vermiform process of the cerebellum. [1913 Webster] {Vermiform appendix} (Anat.), a slender blind process of the c[ae]cum in man and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vermiform Records — was an American independent record label that specialized in releasing punk rock music from 1990 until 2002. Over the course of those twelve years Vermiform released 57 albums and relocated many times, being headquartered in New York, New Jersey … Wikipedia
vermiform appendix — n a narrow blind tube usu. about three or four inches (7.6 to 10.2 centimeters) long that extends from the cecum in the lower right hand part of the abdomen, has much lymphoid wall tissue, normally communicates with the cavity of the cecum, and… … Medical dictionary