

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "blast-hole" в других словарях:

  • Blast hole — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blast-hole — blastˈ hole noun A hole in the bottom of a pump through which water enters • • • Main Entry: ↑blast …   Useful english dictionary

  • Blast — (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See {Blow} to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blast furnace — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blast nozzle — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blast orifice — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blast — n., v., & int. n. 1 a strong gust of wind. 2 a a destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outwards from an explosion. b such an explosion. 3 the single loud note of a wind instrument, car horn, whistle, etc. 4 colloq. a severe… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hole (band) — Hole The current line up performing live in March 2010. Background information Origin Los Angeles, California, United States …   Wikipedia

  • blast */ — I UK [blɑːst] / US [blæst] noun Word forms blast : singular blast plural blasts 1) [countable] mainly journalism an explosion, especially one caused by a bomb Ten people were injured in the blast. The force of the blast threw bodies into the air …   English dictionary

  • In full blast — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blast — blast1 [ blæst ] noun * ▸ 1 explosion ▸ 2 current of air/wind/heat ▸ 3 sudden short loud sound ▸ 4 a throw/hit in sports ▸ 5 enjoyable experience ▸ 6 strong criticism ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count MAINLY JOURNALISM an explosion, especially one caused by …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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