- upraise dip
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
pitch — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. note, modulation, tone; roll, plunge, toss, dip, reel, lurch; slant, slope, drop; ascent, rise, grade, height, range; resin, tar. v. t. throw, toss; build, erect, set, establish; cast, heave. v. i.… … English dictionary for students
float — Synonyms and related words: Carling float, arrange, ascend, aspire, balsa, balsa raft, barge, bathe, bear up, become airborne, boat, bob, boom, brandish, bring off, bring up, broach, bundle, bundle off, buoy, buoy up, bus, carry off, cart,… … Moby Thesaurus
pitch — Synonyms and related words: AF, French pitch, abuse, acme, address, after dinner speech, allocution, amount, angularity, apex, apogee, ascend, asphalt, assail, assault, assist, attack, audio frequency, ballyhoo, bank, base, belabor, belly buster … Moby Thesaurus
rise — Synonyms and related words: Great Leap Forward, Olympian heights, abruptness, access, accession, acclivity, accomplishment, accretion, accrual, accrue, accrue from, accruement, accumulate, accumulation, achieve success, acme, action and reaction … Moby Thesaurus
take — v 1. acquire, secure, get, obtain, gain, procure, come by, Sl. cop; catch, seize, capture; hold, grasp, grip, clasp, embrace; garner, harvest, gather, glean; reach, attain, achieve, win; receive, accept, react or respond to; have, possess,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder