upcast fan

upcast fan
вытяжной вентилятор

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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  • Harecastle Tunnel — is a canal tunnel on the Trent and Mersey Canal. It is made up of 2 separate, parallel, tunnels described as Brindley (2880 yards) and the later Telford (2926 yards) after the engineers that constructed them. Today only the Telford tunnel is… …   Wikipedia

  • Levee — For other uses, see Levee (disambiguation). The side of a levee in Sacramento, California A levee, levée, dike (or dyke), embankment, floodbank or stopbank is an elongated naturally occurring ridge or artificially constructed fill or wall, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Eglinton Country Park — is a park located in the grounds of the old Eglinton Castle estate, Irvine, on the outskirts of Kilwinning, North Ayrshire, Scotland (map reference NS 3227 4220). Eglinton Park is situated in the parish of Kilwinning, part of the former district… …   Wikipedia

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