- uparching
- изгибание
* * *изгибание
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
uparching — | ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: up (I) + arching, present participle of arch : the bending of rocks into an anticline or a dome … Useful english dictionary
ascendant — Synonyms and related words: a cut above, above, absolute, ahead, anabatic, antecedent, ascendancy, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, at the head, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, better, boss, capping, chief, chosen,… … Moby Thesaurus
ascending — Synonyms and related words: Olympian, acclinate, acclivitous, aerial, airy, altitudinous, anabatic, ascendant, ascensional, ascensive, aspiring, axial, back, back flowing, backward, climbing, colossal, descending, dominating, down trending,… … Moby Thesaurus
climbing — Synonyms and related words: Brownian movement, acclinate, acclivitous, advance, ambition, ambitiousness, anabasis, anabatic, angular motion, ascendant, ascending, ascension, ascensional, ascensive, ascent, axial motion, backflowing, backing,… … Moby Thesaurus
leaping — Synonyms and related words: anabatic, ascendant, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, beaming, beatific, beatified, blessed, blissful, bouncing, bounding, capering, cheerful, chirping, climbing, dancing, flushed with joy, gay, glad, glowing, happy … Moby Thesaurus
mounting — Synonyms and related words: Brownian movement, Olympian, access, accession, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, aerial, aggrandizement, airy, altitudinous, amplification, anabasis, anabatic, angular motion,… … Moby Thesaurus
rampant — Synonyms and related words: abandoned, abounding, abundant, affluent, all sufficing, ample, anabatic, aplenty, ascendant, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, average, besetting, bolt upright, bottomless, bounteous, bountiful, climbing, common,… … Moby Thesaurus
rearing — Synonyms and related words: anabatic, apotheosis, apprenticeship, ascendant, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, ascent, assumption, basic training, beatification, bolt upright, breaking, breeding, canonization, climbing, conditioning, cultivation … Moby Thesaurus
rising — Synonyms and related words: Brownian movement, abruptness, abscess, acclinate, acclivitous, acclivity, advance, anabasis, anabatic, angular motion, aposteme, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, ascendant, ascending, ascension, ascensional … Moby Thesaurus
saltatory — Synonyms and related words: anabatic, ascendant, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, bouncing, bounding, climbing, convulsive, eclamptic, fidgety, fitful, hopping, in the ascendant, jerking, jerky, jiggety, jumping, jumpy, leaping, mounting,… … Moby Thesaurus
skyrocketing — Synonyms and related words: anabatic, ascendant, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, climbing, cutthroat, exacting, excessive, exorbitant, extortionate, extravagant, fancy, gouging, grossly overpriced, immoderate, in the ascendant, inflationary,… … Moby Thesaurus