- unscreened coal
несортированный рядовой уголь
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
unscreened — adj. 1 a (esp. of coal) not passed through a screen or sieve. b not investigated or checked, esp. for security or medical problems. 2 not provided with a screen. 3 not shown on a screen … Useful english dictionary
un|screened — «uhn SKREEND», adjective. 1. not screened; not covered; not sheltered; not protected. 2. not passed through a screen; not sifted: »unscreened coal. 3. not made into, or adapted for, a motion picture: »The story is as yet unscreened … Useful english dictionary
несортированный уголь — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN unscreened coal … Справочник технического переводчика
Brennstoffe — (fuels; combustibles; combustibili) Brennmaterialien, alle zur Heizung (Wärmeentwicklung) verwendeten, in der Natur vorkommenden oder durch chemische und Mischungsprozesse erzeugten Stoffe. Der Hauptverwendungszweck der B. bei Eisenbahnen ist die … Enzyklopädie des Eisenbahnwesens
Romania — /roh may nee euh, mayn yeuh/, n. a republic in SE Europe, bordering on the Black Sea. 21,399,114; 91,699 sq. mi. (237,500 sq. km). Cap.: Bucharest. Romanian, România /rddaw mu nyah/. * * * Romania Introduction Romania Background: Soviet… … Universalium
România — /rddaw mu nyah/; Eng. /roh may nee euh, mayn yeuh/, n. Romanian name of ROMANIA. * * * Romania Introduction Romania Background: Soviet occupation following World War II led to the formation of a Communist peoples republic in 1947 and the… … Universalium
Dennis Potter — Cover of The Life and Work of Dennis Potter Born 17 May 1935 Berry Hill, Gloucestershire, England Died 7 June 1994(1994 06 07) (aged 59) Ross on Wye, H … Wikipedia