undulating plain

undulating plain
волнистая равнина

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "undulating plain" в других словарях:

  • plain — plain1 plainly, adv. plainness, n. /playn/, adj., plainer, plainest, adv., n. adj. 1. clear or distinct to the eye or ear: a plain trail to the river; to stand in plain view. 2. clear to the mind; evident, manifest, or obvious: to make one s… …   Universalium

  • plain —    A general term referring to any flat, lowland area, large or small, at a low elevation. Specifically, any extensive region of comparatively smooth and level gently undulating land. A plain has few or no prominent hills or valleys but sometimes …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • European Plain — ▪ plain, Europe Introduction       one of the greatest uninterrupted expanses of plain on the Earth s surface. It sweeps from the Pyrenees Mountains on the French Spanish border across northern Europe to the Ural Mountains in Russia. In western… …   Universalium

  • Northeast Plain — ▪ plain, China Chinese (Pinyin)  Dongbei Pingyuan  or  Songliao Pingyuan  or   (Wade Giles romanization)  Tung pei P ing yüan  or  Sung liao P ing yüan , also called  Manchurian Plain  or  Sungliao Plain        heart of the central lowland of… …   Universalium

  • Punjab Plain — ▪ plain, India       large alluvial plain in northwestern India. It has an area of about 38,300 square miles (99,200 square km) and covers the states of Punjab and Haryana (Haryāna) and the union territory of Delhi, except for the Shahdara zone.… …   Universalium

  • Chhattisgarh Plain — ▪ plain, India       plain, central India, forming the upper Mahanadi River basin. About 100 miles (160 km) wide, it is bounded by the Chota Nagpur plateau to the north, the Raigarh hills (Raigarh) to the northeast, the Raipur Upland (Raipur) to… …   Universalium

  • North German Plain — Physical map of Germany. The North German Plain largely corresponds to the dark green surfaces north of the tan coloured low mountain ranges …   Wikipedia

  • Kantō Plain — The Nihongo|Kantō Plain|関東平野 is the largest plain in Japan located in the Kanto Region of central Honshū. The total area 17,000 sq km covers more than half of the Region extending over Tokyo, Saitama Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Chiba… …   Wikipedia

  • wave-worked till plain —    A glaciated land area that has the characteristics of a till plain, but that was also inundated by a glacial lake. The area possesses a gently undulating till topography rather than a distinctive, low relief lake plain surface. Lacustrine… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • abyssal plain — Flat seafloor area at a depth of 10,000–20,000 ft (3,000–6,000 m), generally adjacent to a continent. The larger plains are hundreds of miles wide and thousands of miles long. The plains are largest and most common in the Atlantic Ocean, less… …   Universalium

  • till-floored lake plain —    [ soil survey ]    A glaciated land area that has characteristics of a till plain, but that was also inundated by a glacial lake. The area possesses a gently undulating till topography, rather than a distinctive, low relief lake plain surface …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

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