- underground mine
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Underground mine ventilation — Schematic of underground mine ventilation Underground mine ventilation provides a flow of air to the underground workings of a mine of sufficient volume to dilute and remove noxious gases (typically NOx, SO2, methane, CO2 and CO). The source of … Wikipedia
Underground mine — A mine where coal is produced by tunneling into the earth to the coalbed, which is then mined with underground mining equipment such as cutting machines and continuous, longwall, and shortwall mining machines. Underground mines are classified… … Energy terms
Soudan Underground Mine State Park — Infobox nrhp | name =Soudan Iron Mine nrhp type =nhl caption =The 27th level of the Soudan Mine location=Tower Soudan State Park nearest city= Tower, Minnesota lat degrees = long degrees = area = built =1900 architect= designated = November 13,… … Wikipedia
Soudan Underground Mine State Park — Hinweistafel auf Sohle 27. Der Soudan Underground Mine State Park ist ein State Park in Minnesota und liegt an der Stelle der Soudan Underground Mine am südlichen Ufer vom Lake Vermilion. Das Bergwerk ist das älteste, tiefste und ehemals reichste … Deutsch Wikipedia
Underground mining (hard rock) — A three dimensional model of an underground mine with shaft access Underground hard rock mining refers to various underground mining techniques used to excavate hard minerals, mainly those containing metals[1] such as ore containing gold … Wikipedia
Mine Type — See Surface Mine and Underground Mine. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Mine Safety and Health Administration — Agency overview Formed 1977 Jurisdiction Federal government of th … Wikipedia
Mine rescue — is the very specialized job of rescuing miners and others who have become trapped or injured underground in mines because of mining accidents and disasters such as explosions caused by firedamp, roof falls or floods. Expert volunteers U.S. mine… … Wikipedia
Underground mining (soft rock) — refers to a group of underground mining techniques used to extract coal, oil shale and other minerals or geological materials from sedimentary ( soft ) rocks. Because deposits in sedimentary rocks are commonly layered and relatively less hard,… … Wikipedia
Underground coal gasification — (UCG) is an in situ gasification process carried out in non mined coal seams using injection and production wells drilled from the surface, which enables the coal to be converted into product gas. The process is flexible in operation and is… … Wikipedia
Mine reclamation — is the process of creating useful landscapes that meet a variety of goals, typically creating productive ecosystems (or sometimes industrial or municipal land) from mined land. It includes all aspects of this work, including material placement,… … Wikipedia