type locality

type locality
характерный признак местности

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "type locality" в других словарях:

  • Type locality — may refer to:* Type locality (geology) * Type locality (biology) …   Wikipedia

  • type locality — the geographical place of origin of the type specimens of a species group taxon. The population occurring at type locality is the topotypical population and specimens collected at type locality are topotypes …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Type locality (geology) — In some natural sciences, type locality (Latin locus typicus ) is the typical or representative location and is typically the first example of a newly discovered or described object. Often it is namesake for the term.It is most commonly used in… …   Wikipedia

  • type locality — 1. Biol. the locality in which a type specimen was collected. 2. Geol. the place at which a type section is located. * * * …   Universalium

  • type locality — noun a) The location, usually where the first specimen was discovered, considered most representative of a mineral, formation etc. b) The location where a nomenclatural or name bearing type was collected …   Wiktionary

  • type locality —   Geographical place of collection where a holotype or type specimen of a species or subspecies was first found and described …   Expanded glossary of Cycad terms

  • type locality — noun 1. : the source of an original type specimen 2. a. : the place whence a geological item (as a formation or series) derives its name and where it is typically displayed b. : the first or original source of a geologic feature (as a fossil or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • type locality — The area from which a holotype, lectotype, or neotype was collected …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • Type (biology) — Type specimen for Cimbrophlebia brooksi, a fossil scorpion fly. By convention, the red label denotes a type specimen. In biology, a type is one particular specimen (or in some cases a group of specimens) of an organism to which the scientific… …   Wikipedia

  • Type site — [ Celtic Hallstatt culture ca. 800ndash400 BCE.] In archaeology a type site (also known as a type site or typesite) is a site that is considered the model of a particular archaeological culture. For example, the type site of the Pre Pottery… …   Wikipedia

  • type material — noun : a group of equivalent specimens collected at the type locality at one time and used wholly or partially in the identification and description of a new taxonomic entity …   Useful english dictionary

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