- two-pass migration
• двухступенчатая миграция• двухэтапная миграция
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis — Two dimensional gel electrophoresis, abbreviated as 2 DE or 2 D electrophoresis, is a form of gel electrophoresis commonly used to analyze proteins. Mixtures of proteins are separated by two properties in two dimensions on 2D gels.Basis for… … Wikipedia
migration — migrational, adj. /muy gray sheuhn/, n. 1. the process or act of migrating. 2. a migratory movement: preparations for the migration. 3. a number or body of persons or animals migrating together. 4. Chem. a movement or change of position of atoms… … Universalium
Bird migration — A flock of Barnacle Geese during autumn migration … Wikipedia
Rogers Pass (Montana) — Infobox Mountain Pass Name = Rogers Pass Photo = Caption = Elevation = 5,610 feet (1,709 m) Location = Montana, U.S. Range = Rocky Mountains Coordinates = coord|47|04|35|N|112|22|11|W|type:pass region:US Topographic USGS Rogers Pass (MT)… … Wikipedia
Mexican migration — Contents 1 Definition 2 Causes and Origins 3 Effects of Governmental Policies on Mexican Immigration 3.1 Restrictive Regulations … Wikipedia
Mountain pass — This article is about a path between two mountains. For the rare earth mine, see Mountain Pass rare earth mine. For the town, see Mountain Pass, California. The saddle between Mount Washington and Mount Clay … Wikipedia
Indonesia — /in deuh nee zheuh, sheuh, zee euh, doh /, n. 1. See East Indies (def. 1). 2. Republic of. Formerly, Netherlands East Indies, Dutch East Indies. a republic in the Malay Archipelago consisting of 13,677 islands, including Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi,… … Universalium
Coimbatore — This article is about the city in Tamil Nadu, India. For its namesake district, see Coimbatore district. Coimbatore (கோயம்புத்தூர்) Manchester of South India city … Wikipedia
lepidopteran — /lep i dop teuhr euhn/, adj. 1. lepidopterous. n. 2. a lepidopterous insect. [1850 55; LEPIDOPTER(A) + AN] * * * Any of the more than 100,000 species constituting the order Lepidoptera (Greek: scaly wing ): butterflies, moths, and skippers. The… … Universalium
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West — Original theatrical release poster Directed by Phil Nibbelink Simon Wells … Wikipedia
Corneal ulcers in animals — Large corneal ulcer in a dog A corneal ulcer, or ulcerative keratitis, is an inflammatory condition of the cornea involving loss of its outer layer. It is very common in dogs and is sometimes seen in cats. In veterinary medicine, the term corneal … Wikipedia