- twitch
- внезапное сужение жилы, пережим в жиле
* * *• внезапное сужение жилы• пережим в жиле
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Twitch — may refer to:* Muscle twitch, a muscle contraction ** Fasciculation, a small, local, involuntary muscle contraction ** Myoclonic twitch, a jerk usually caused by sudden muscle contractions **Myokymia, an continuous, involuntary muscle twitch that … Wikipedia
Twitch — Студийный альбом Ministry … Википедия
Twitch — Twitch, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Twitched}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Twitching}.] [OE. twicchen, fr. (doubtful) AS. twiccian; akin to AS. angeltwicca a worm used for bait, literally, a hook twitcher, LG. twikken to tweak, G. zwicken. Cf. {Tweak}.] To pull… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Twitch — Twitch, n. 1. The act of twitching; a pull with a jerk; a short, sudden, quick pull; as, a twitch by the sleeve. [1913 Webster] 2. A short, spastic contraction of the fibers or muscles; a simple muscular contraction; as, convulsive twitches; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
twitch´er — twitch «twihch», verb, noun. –v.i., v.t. 1. to move with a quick jerk: »The child s mouth twitched as if she were about to cry. 2. to pull with a sudden tug or jerk; pull (at): »She twitched the curtain aside. –n. 1. a slight, involuntary… … Useful english dictionary
Twitch — est le deuxième album du groupe Ministry sorti en 1986. Cet album délaisse la new wave du premier opus au profit d une EBM froide et mélodique, parfois même teintée d influences Funk. Twitch Album par Ministry Sortie 1986 Genre Electronic body… … Wikipédia en Français
twitch|y — «TWIHCH ee», adjective. 1. having a tendency to twitch; jerky: »Faces peculiarly swollen, and twitchy about the nose (Dickens). 2. Figurative. nervous; fidgety; irritable: »He was getting twitchy now…before a dog race (New Yorker … Useful english dictionary
twitch — ► VERB ▪ make a short, sudden jerking movement. ► NOUN 1) a twitching movement. 2) a pang: he felt a twitch of annoyance. ORIGIN Germanic … English terms dictionary
twitch — [twich] vt., vi. [ME twicchen < OE * twiccan, var. of twiccian, to pluck, catch hold of: akin to Ger zwicken < WGmc * twikkjon < ? base of TWIG1] 1. to pull (at) with a quick, slight jerk; pluck 2. to move with a quick, slight jerk or… … English World dictionary
twitch — (v.) late 12c., to twic chen pull apart with a quick jerk, related to O.E. twiccian to pluck, from P.Gmc. *twikjonan (Cf. Low Ger. twicken, Du. twikken, O.H.G. gizwickan, Ger. zwicken to pinch, tweak ). Related: Twitched; twitching. The noun is… … Etymology dictionary
twitch — vb *jerk, snap, yank Analogous words: *pull, drag, tug: clutch, snatch, grasp (see TAKE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms