- bituminous
- 1. битуминозный; битумный 2, жирный (о торфе)
* * *• битумный• жирный• курной• пламенный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Bituminous — Bi*tu mi*nous, a. [L. bituminosus: cf. F. bitumineux.] Having the qualities of bitumen; compounded with bitumen; containing bitumen. [1913 Webster] Near that bituminous lake where Sodom flamed. Milton. [1913 Webster] {Bituminous coal}, a kind of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bituminous — 1610s, from Fr. bitumineux, from L. bituminosus, from bitumen (see BITUMEN (Cf. bitumen)). The Plain, wherein a black bituminous gurge Boiles out from under ground, the mouth of Hell. [ Paradise Lost, XII.41] … Etymology dictionary
bituminous — [bi to͞o′mə nəs, bī to͞omə nəs, bi tyo͞omə nəs, bī tyo͞omə nəs] adj. [Fr bitumineux < L bitumineus] 1. of the nature of bitumen, esp. with regard to its color and combustibility 2. containing or made from bitumen … English World dictionary
bituminous — 1. adjective Of or pertaining to bitumen. 2. noun a) Bituminous coal. b) A type or grade of bituminous coal … Wiktionary
bituminous — bi•tu•mi•nous [[t]baɪˈtu mə nəs, ˈtyu , bɪ [/t]] adj. 1) chem. resembling or containing bitumen: bituminous shale[/ex] 2) chem. of or pertaining to bituminous coal • Etymology: 1610–20; < L bitūminōsus … From formal English to slang
bituminous — adjective Date: 1620 1. containing or impregnated with bitumen 2. of or relating to bituminous coal … New Collegiate Dictionary
bituminous — /buy tooh meuh neuhs, tyooh , bi /, adj. resembling or containing bitumen: bituminous shale. [1610 20; < L bituminosus, equiv. to bitumin (s. of bitumen) BITUMEN + osus OUS] * * * … Universalium
bituminous — adj. Bituminous is used with these nouns: ↑coal … Collocations dictionary
bituminous — /bəˈtjumənəs/ (say buh tyoohmuhnuhs) adjective of, like, or containing bitumen: bituminous shale …
bituminous — Pikimana. ♦ Bituminous coal, lānahu pikimana … English-Hawaiian dictionary
bituminous — bitumen ► NOUN ▪ a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue from petroleum distillation, used for road surfacing and roofing. DERIVATIVES bituminous adjective. ORIGIN Latin … English terms dictionary