- trof
рештак с поднятым бортом
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
trof — 1 v. trofo Trimis de LauraGellner, 08.02.2008. Sursa: DN TROF2 Element secund de compunere savantă cu semnificaţia (referitor la) hrană . [< fr. trophe, it. trofo, cf. gr. trophe]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
-trof — trof, trofan, trofički, trofija, trofikacija, trofizam DEFINICIJA kao drugi dio riječi označava ono što se odnosi na hranu, hranjenje [heterotrofan] ETIMOLOGIJA grč. trophḗ: hrana; trophós: hranitelj; tréphein: hraniti … Hrvatski jezični portal
trof — trof·fer; … English syllables
trof|fer — «TROF uhr», noun. a lighting fixture in the shape of an inverted trough, used to enclose a fluorescent lamp or lamps. ╂[apparently a blend of trough and coffer] … Useful english dictionary
trof- — ► prefijo/ suf Componente de palabra procedente del gr. trophe, que significa alimento, alimentación: ■ trofismo. TAMBIÉN trofia, trofo … Enciclopedia Universal
Trofæ — Sejrstegn, sejrsminde, krigsbytte … Danske encyklopædi
trofæ — tro|fæ sb., et, er, erne … Dansk ordbog
trophozoite — (trof o zo aīt) The active, motile feeding stage of a protozoan organism; in the malarial parasite, the stage of schizogony between the ring stage and the schizont … Dictionary of microbiology
troffer — /trof euhr, traw feuhr/, n. a trough shaped reflector holding one or more fluorescent lamps. [1940 45; troff (var. of TROUGH) + ER1] * * * … Universalium
trophosome — /trof euh sohm , troh feuh /, n. Zool. 1. an organ in deep sea tube worms that is colonized by bacteria supplying the host worm with food and energy. 2. a similar organ in other marine worms. [1865 70; TROPHO + SOME3] * * * … Universalium
trophozoite — /trof euh zoh uyt, troh feuh /, n. Zool. a protozoan in the metabolically active growth stage. [1905 10; TROPHO + ZO(ON) + ITE1] * * * … Universalium