- triaxon
- Рог. триаксон, трёхлучевая спикула
* * *трехлучевая спикула
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
triaxon — (ˈ)trī|akˌsän noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from tri + Greek axōn axis more at axis : a sponge spicule having three axes crossing at right angles to form six rays * * * triaxon, triaxonian see tri 1 … Useful english dictionary
triaxon — n. [Gr. tries, three; axon, axle] (PORIFERA) A spicule with three axes … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
triaxon — tri·ax·on … English syllables
triaxonian — triaxon, triaxonian see tri 1 … Useful english dictionary
Cerebro — Este artículo trata sobre los cerebros de todo tipo de animales, incluyendo humanos. Para información específica sobre el cerebro humano, véase Cerebro humano. Cerebro humano. Obsérvese la abundancia de circunvoluciones en la superficie de los… … Wikipedia Español
Geodia gibberosa — Geodia gibberosa Clasificación científica Reino … Wikipedia Español
sponge — spongeless, adj. spongelike, adj. spongingly, adv. /spunj/, n., v., sponged, sponging. n. 1. any aquatic, chiefly marine animal of the phylum Porifera, having a porous structure and usually a horny, siliceous or calcareous internal skeleton or… … Universalium
Sponge spicule — Sponge spicules Spicules are structural elements found in most sponges. They provide structural support and deter predators. Large spicules, visible to the naked eye are referred to as megascleres, while smaller, microscopic ones are termed… … Wikipedia
hexaster — ˈhekˌsastə(r) noun Etymology: New Latin, from hexa + aster (star) : a triaxon sponge spicule usually with equal rays … Useful english dictionary