- travel path
путь пробега
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Travel literature — Travel writing and its most common sub genres First edition of … Wikipedia
Path loss — (or path attenuation) is the reduction in power density (attenuation) of an electromagnetic wave as it propagates through space. Path loss is a major component in the analysis and design of the link budget of a telecommunication system.This term… … Wikipedia
Travel behavior — is the study of what people do over space, and how people use transport. The questions studied in travel behavior are broad, and are very much related to activity analysis and time use studies.* How many trips do people make? * Where do they go?… … Wikipedia
Path Finder (Transformers) — Path Finder is the name of a fictional character from the various Transformers universes.Challenge of the GobotsTransformers character name =Path Finder caption =Path Finder on the Go Bots TV series. japanname = affiliation =Autobot subgroup… … Wikipedia
travel — [trav′əl] vi. traveled or travelled, traveling or travelling [var. of TRAVAIL] 1. to go from one place to another; make a journey or journeys 2. to go from place to place as a traveling salesman 3. to walk or run 4. to move, pass, or be t … English World dictionary
Path integral formulation — This article is about a formulation of quantum mechanics. For integrals along a path, also known as line or contour integrals, see line integral. The path integral formulation of quantum mechanics is a description of quantum theory which… … Wikipedia
travel — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Go from one place to another Nouns 1. travel; traveling, wayfaring, itinerancy, tourism; journey, voyage, excursion, junket, expedition, safari, tour, [pleasure or business] trip, trek, crossing, cruise … English dictionary for students
travel — I. verb ( eled or elled; eling or travelling) Etymology: Middle English travailen, travelen to torment, labor, strive, journey, from Anglo French travailler Date: 14th century intransitive verb 1. a. to go on or as if on a trip or tour … New Collegiate Dictionary
Path to Truth — Infobox SW Books name = Path to Truth title orig = translator = author = Jude Watson cover artist = David Mattingly editor = country = USA language = English era = Prequel series = Jedi Quest galactic year = 28 BBY canon = C subject = Star Wars… … Wikipedia
Path of the Fury — infobox Book name = Path of the Fury title orig = translator = image caption = author = David Weber illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = space opera publisher = Baen Books release date =… … Wikipedia
Path of Hope — infobox film name=Path of Hope director=Pietro Germi writer=Pietro Germi Federico Fellini Tullio Pinelli Luciano Vincenzoni producer=Luigi Rovere starring=Raf Vallone Saro Urzì Elena Varzi Lando Buzzanca Lola Braccini distributor=Lux Film… … Wikipedia