bismuth telluride

bismuth telluride
теллуристый висмут

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "bismuth telluride" в других словарях:

  • Bismuth telluride — Chembox new ImageFile = ImageSize = IUPACName = OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 1304 82 1 PubChem = SMILES = Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = Bi2Te3 MolarMass = 800.761 g/mol Appearance = grey powder Density = 7.7 g/cm3 …   Wikipedia

  • Bismuth — (pronEng|ˈbɪzməθ) is a chemical element that has the symbol Bi and atomic number 83. This heavy, brittle, white crystalline trivalent poor metal has a pink tinge and chemically resembles arsenic and antimony. Of all the metals, it is the most… …   Wikipedia

  • bismuth — bismuthal, adj. /biz meuhth/, n. Chem. a brittle, grayish white, red tinged, metallic element used in the manufacture of fusible alloys and in medicine. Symbol: Bi; at. wt.: 208.980; at. no.: 83. [1660 70; earlier bismutum < NL bisemutum,… …   Universalium

  • Telluride (chemistry) — Telluride Identifiers ChemSpider 19241429  Y Jmol 3D images …   Wikipedia

  • Antimony telluride — Other names antimony telluride, antimony(III) telluride, antimony telluride, diantimony tritelluride Identifiers CAS number …   Wikipedia

  • Cadmium telluride solar cell — Articleissues advert = October 2008 COI = October 2008 wikify = October 2008A cadmium telluride solar cell is a solar cell based on a cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin film, a semiconductor layer to absorb and convert sunlight into electricity… …   Wikipedia

  • telluric bismuth — Tetradymite Tet*rad y*mite, n. [Gr. tetra dymos fourfold. So named from its occurrence in compound twin crystals, or fourlings.] (Min.) A telluride of bismuth. It is of a pale steel gray color and metallic luster, and usually occurs in foliated… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • List of semiconductor materials — Semiconductor materials are insulators at absolute zero temperature that conduct electricity in a limited way at room temperature (see also Semiconductor). The defining property of a semiconductor material is that it can be doped with impurities… …   Wikipedia

  • Thermoelectricity — (thermo electricity) refers to a class of phenomena in which a temperature difference creates an electric potential or an electric potential creates a temperature difference. In modern technical usage, the term almost always refers collectively… …   Wikipedia

  • nitrogen group element — ▪ chemical elements Introduction  any of the chemical elements that constitute Group Va of the periodic table (see Figure >). The group consists of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and bismuth (Bi). The elements share… …   Universalium

  • Tellurium — (pronEng|tɪˈlʊəriəm/, /tɛl ) is a chemical element that has the symbol Te and atomic number 52. A brittle silver white metalloid which looks like tin, tellurium is chemically related to selenium and sulfur. Tellurium is primarily used in alloys… …   Wikipedia

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