transverse rib

transverse rib
крестовидное ребро
поперечное ребро

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "transverse rib" в других словарях:

  • Transverse rib — A Transverse rib (Fr. arc doubleau ) is the term in architecture given to the rib of a rib vault which is carried across the nave, dividing the same into bays. Although as a rule it was sunk in the barrel vault of the Thermae , it is found… …   Wikipedia

  • transverse rib — noun Etymology: transverse (II) : a rib in a vaulting that crosses a nave or aisle at right angles to the long axis of the building …   Useful english dictionary

  • rib — [rib] n. [ME ribbe < OE rib, akin to ON rif, Ger rippe < IE base * rebh , to arch over, roof over > Gr ereptein, to crown, OSlav rebro, rib] 1. any of the arched bones attached posteriorly to the vertebral column and enclosing the chest… …   English World dictionary

  • rib — ► NOUN 1) each of a series of slender curved bones articulated in pairs to the spine, protecting the thoracic cavity and its organs. 2) Architecture a curved member supporting a vault or defining its form. 3) a curved transverse strut of metal or …   English terms dictionary

  • Rib vault — Cathedral of Reims, France …   Wikipedia

  • rib — rib1 ribber, n. ribless, adj. riblike, adj. /rib/, n., v., ribbed, ribbing. n. 1. one of a series of curved bones that are articulated with the vertebrae and occur in pairs, 12 in humans, on each side of the vertebrate body, certain pairs being… …   Universalium

  • Rib — This article is about the part of the skeleton. For other uses, see Rib (disambiguation). Single human rib detail The …   Wikipedia

  • Transverse costal facet — Infobox Bone Name = Transverse costal facet Latin = GraySubject = 22 GrayPage = 102 Caption = A thoracic vertebra. Caption2 = Peculiar thoracic vertebræ. System = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = f 15 DorlandsSuf = 12377266 The transverse… …   Wikipedia

  • rib — noun 1》 each of a series of slender curved bones articulated in pairs to the spine, protecting the thoracic cavity and its organs.     ↘an animal rib with meat adhering to it used as food. 2》 Architecture a curved member supporting a vault or… …   English new terms dictionary

  • rib — one of a series of long, thin bony rods articulating with the apophyses of the vertebrae and supporting the trunk musculature. The ventral ends are free. They consist of two types: the dorsal, epipleural or true ribs which arise from the… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • rib — n. & v. n. 1 each of the curved bones articulated in pairs to the spine and protecting the thoracic cavity and its organs. 2 a joint of meat from this part of an animal. 3 a ridge or long raised piece often of stronger or thicker material across… …   Useful english dictionary

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