transportation by water

transportation by water
перенос водой

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "transportation by water" в других словарях:

  • Ministry of Transportation and Water Management (Netherlands) — The Ministry of Transportation and Water Management ( Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat ; V W) is the Dutch ministry responsible for the Dutch system of water management, public and private transport and infrastructure. The current minister is …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation geography — is the branch of geography that investigates spatial interactions, let them be of people, freight and information. It can consider humans and their use of vehicles or other modes of travelling as well as how markets are serviced by flows of… …   Wikipedia

  • Water transportation — is the intentional movement of water over large distances. Methods of transportation fall into three categories: *Aqueducts, which include pipelines, canals, and tunnels, *container shipment, which includes transport by tank truck, tank car, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Water management — is the practices of planning, developing, distribution and optimum utilizing of water resources under defined water polices and regulations. It may mean:* management of water treatment of drinking water, industrial water, sewage or wastewater *… …   Wikipedia

  • water — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wæter; akin to Old High German wazzar water, Greek hydōr, Latin unda wave Date: before 12th century 1. a. the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, forms streams …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Water reactive — A water reactive substance is one that spontaneously undergoes a chemical reaction with water. Notable examples include alkali metals sodium through caesium.Water reactive substances are classified as R2 under the UN classification system and as… …   Wikipedia

  • water carrier — /ˈwɔtə kæriə/ (say wawtuh kareeuh) noun 1. a person who or an animal which carries water. 2. a container for carrying water. 3. Railways a freight carriage of cylindrical shape, designed for the transportation of water or other liquids …  

  • Transportation in the United States — is facilitated by road, air, rail, and water networks. The vast majority of passenger travel occurs by automobile for shorter distances, and airplane for longer distances. In descending order, most cargoes travel by railroad, truck, pipeline, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in New York City — Info Owner Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, local governments, states Locale New York City and the surrounding region in New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in Omaha — Transportation in Omaha, Nebraska includes most major modes, such as pedestrian, bicycle, automobile, bus, train and airplane. While early transportation consisted of ferries, stagecoaches, steamboats, street railroads, and railroads, the city s… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in Erie, Pennsylvania — includes access to most major forms of transportation, including automobile, bus, train, airplane, and ship. The city generates income through the transportation industry, including train manufacturing and port operations.treets and HighwaysErie… …   Wikipedia

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