
топография; рельеф
accretion topography аккумулятивный рельеф
aged topography зрелый рельеф
autogenetic topography автогенетический рельеф, созданный под воздействием дождей и водотоков
badland topography бедленд
basket-of-eggs topography рельеф типа «корзины яиц» (близко расположенные гряды, вытянутые в ряд и разделённые небольшими болотистыми участками)
bedrock topography рельеф коренных пород
biscuit-board topography рельеф холмистого плоскогорья с врезанными цирками
checkerboard topography рельеф с повторяющимися в шахматном порядке элементами
coarse topography грубый [слабо расчленённый] рельеф
composite — сложный рельеф (сформированный в течение двух или более циклов эрозии)
cryogenic topography мерзлотный рельеф
depositional topography рельеф осадконакопления
exhumed topography отпрепарированный рельеф
gently rolling topography местность со спокойным рельефом
hummock-and-hollow topography волнистый, бугристо-котловинный рельеф
kame-and-kettle topography холмисто-западинный рельеф
karst topography карстовый рельеф
knob-and-basin [knob-and-kettle] topography холмисто-западинный рельеф
morainal [morainic] topography моренный рельеф
old topography древний рельеф
onset-and-lee topography низкий асимметрично-холмистый рельеф
ridge-and-ravine topography рельеф типа хребтов и ущелий
ridge-and-valley topography рельеф, образованный чередованием хребтов и долин
rolling topography волнистый рельеф
rugged topography изрезанный рельеф
sag-and-swell topography холмисто-западинный рельеф
senile topography дряхлый рельеф
step-and-platform topography плоскоступенчатый рельеф
stoss-and-lee topography низкий асимметрично-холмистый рельеф
subdrift topography рельеф коренных пород под ледниковыми отложениями
swell-and-swale topography холмисто-западинный рельеф
thermokarst topography термокарстовый рельеф
X-ray topography мин. рентгеновская топография
* * *
описание местности
рельеф дневной поверхности

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "topography" в других словарях:

  • Topography — ( topo , place , and graphia , writing ) is the study of Earth s surface features or those of planets, moons, and asteroids. In a broader sense, topography is concerned with local detail in general, including not only relief but also vegetative… …   Wikipedia

  • Topography — To*pog ra*phy, n. [F. topographie, Gr. ?; ? a place + ? to write.] The description of a particular place, town, manor, parish, or tract of land; especially, the exact and scientific delineation and description in minute detail of any place or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • topography — (n.) early 15c., from L.L. topographia, from Gk. topographia a description of a place, from topographos describing a place (as a noun, one who is skilled in topography ), from topos place + graphein to write (see GRAPHY (Cf. graphy)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • topography — [tə päg′rə fē] n. pl. topographies [ME topographye < LL topographia < Gr: see TOPIC & GRAPHY] 1. the accurate and detailed description of a place 2. a) the science of drawing on maps and charts or otherwise representing the surface features …   English World dictionary

  • topography — ► NOUN 1) the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area. 2) a detailed description or representation on a map of such features. DERIVATIVES topographer noun topographic adjective topographical adjective. ORIGIN from… …   English terms dictionary

  • topography — [[t]təpɒ̱grəfi[/t]] topographies 1) N UNCOUNT Topography is the study and description of the physical features of an area, for example its hills, valleys, or rivers, or the representation of these features on maps. 2) N COUNT: usu sing, with poss …   English dictionary

  • topography — UK [təˈpɒɡrəfɪ] / US [təˈpɑɡrəfɪ] noun Word forms topography : singular topography plural topographies 1) [uncountable] the study of the features of land, for example hills, rivers, and roads, and the process of making maps 2)… …   English dictionary

  • topography — The configuration of the ground to include its relief and all features. Topography addresses both dry land and the sea floor (underwater topography) …   Military dictionary

  • topography — noun Etymology: Middle English topographie, from Late Latin topographia, from Greek, from topographein to describe a place, from topos place + graphein to write more at carve Date: 15th century 1. a. the art or practice of graphic delineation in… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • topography — In anatomy, the description of any part of the body, especially in relation to a definite and limited area of the surface. [topo + G. graphe, a writing] * * * to·pog·ra·phy tə päg rə fē n, pl phies 1) the physical or natural features of …   Medical dictionary

  • topography — to|pog|ra|phy [ tə pagrəfi ] noun 1. ) count or uncount the features of a particular area of land: the topography of Mars 2. ) uncount the study of the features of land, for example hills, rivers, and roads, and the process of making maps ╾… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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