- biocycle
- биоцикл (группа связанных между собой биохоров, составляющая одно из подразделений биосферы, напр. солёная вода, пресная вода и засушливые земли)
* * *биологический цикл
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
biocycle — biologinis ciklas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Medžiagų apytakos ekosistemose uždaras ratas. Yra anglies, deguonies, azoto, sieros, fosforo, kalcio ciklas. Per šiuos ciklus palaikomi gyvųjų organizmų ir aplinkos santykiai … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
biocycle — n. [Gr. bios, life; kyklos, circle] Subdivisions of the biosphere: land, sea and freshwater. biodegradable adj. [Gr. bios, life; L. de, down; gradatus, step by step; abilis, tending to be] Substances that can be broken down by micro organisms… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
biocycle — bio·cy·cle (bi″o siґkəl) [bio + cycle] the rhythmic repetition of certain phenomena observed in living organisms … Medical dictionary
biocycle — bio·cycle … English syllables
biocycle — /ˈbaɪəsaɪkəl/ (say buyuhsuykuhl) noun any of the major divisions of the biosphere as fresh water, salt water, or land …
biocycle — ˈbīō+ˌ noun Etymology: bi (II) + cycle : a group of related biochores constituting a major division of the biosphere the biocycles usually recognized are saltwater, freshwater, and terrestrial … Useful english dictionary
Polyhydroxyalkanoates — or PHAs are linear polyesters produced in nature by bacterial fermentation of sugar or lipids. More than 150 different monomers can be combined within this family to give materials with extremely different properties.ref|Doi 2002They can be… … Wikipedia
Mad River Brewing Company — is a microbrewery in the town of Blue Lake in Humboldt County Northern California. The brewery was established 1989 by brewmaster Bob Smith and a small group of investors. Beers include: Steelhead Extra Pale Ale, Steelhead Scotch Porter,… … Wikipedia
biociclu — biocíclu s. n., pl. biocícluri Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic BIOCÍCLU biocicluri n. Ciclu de viaţă al unui organism. [Sil. bi o ci clu] /<fr. biocycle Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX BIOCÍCLU s.n. ( … Dicționar Român
Biosolids — is a term used by the water treatment industry that refers to treated sludge. Sludge, or biosolids, are the byproduct of the treatment of domestic and commercial wastewater or sewage in a wastewater treatment plant. To create biosolids, these… … Wikipedia
Constructed wetland — Vertical Flow type of Constructed Wetlands A constructed wetland or wetpark is an artificial wetland, marsh or swamp created as a new or restored habitat for native and migratory wildlife, for anthropogenic discharge such as wastewater,… … Wikipedia