tip car

tip car
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "tip car" в других словарях:

  • Tip and ring — are common terms in the telephone service industry referring to the two wires or sides of an ordinary telephone line. Tip is the ground side (positive) and Ring is the battery (negative) side of a phone circuit. The ground side is common with the …   Wikipedia

  • Car handling — and vehicle handling is a description of the way wheeled vehicles perform transverse to their direction of motion, particularly during cornering and swerving. It also includes their stability when moving in a straight line. Handling and braking… …   Wikipedia

  • tip-top — adj informal excellent ▪ The car s in tip top condition …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • car boot sales —    Car boot sales, along with garage sales and attic sales, as forms of private selling are a phenomenon of recent years and reflect a number of economic and social trends and cultural practices. Jumble sales have traditionally been held in, for… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • car|a|cal — «KAR uh kal», noun. a small lynx of Asia and Africa, of a reddish brown color, having a tuft of long, black hair at the tip of each ear; Persian lynx. ╂[< French caracal < Turkish karakulak < kara black + kulak ear] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tip — A tip (also called a gratuity) is a payment made to certain service sector workers in addition to the advertised price of the transaction. The amount of a tip is typically calculated as a percentage of the transaction value before applicable… …   Wikipedia

  • Tip Top (icecream) — Infobox Company name=Fonterra Brands (Tip Top) Ltd logo= type=Subsidiary foundation=1936 location=Auckland, New Zealand num employees= 380 industry =Frozen Confectionary Manufacturing products=Ice Cream, Ice Blocks homepage =… …   Wikipedia

  • tip — I [[t]tɪp[/t]] n. v. tipped, tip•ping 1) a pointed end, esp. of something long or tapered: the tips of the fingers[/ex] 2) the top; apex: the tip of a steeple[/ex] 3) a small piece covering the extremity of something: a cane with a rubber… …   From formal English to slang

  • tip — tip1 tipless, adj. /tip/, n., v., tipped, tipping. n. 1. a slender or pointed end or extremity, esp. of anything long or tapered: the tips of the fingers. 2. the top, summit, or apex: the tip of the mountain. 3. a small piece or part, as of metal …   Universalium

  • Tip-Toes — Infobox Musical name =Tip Toes subtitle = image size =225px caption =2001 studio cast recording music =George Gershwin lyrics =Ira Gershwin book =Guy Bolton Fred Thompson basis = productions =1925 Broadway 2007 Sherman Oaks, California awards =… …   Wikipedia

  • tip — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 pointed end ADJECTIVE ▪ northern, etc. ▪ We took a bus to the northern tip of the island. ▪ pointed, sharp ▪ very …   Collocations dictionary

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