- tillodonts
- Mamm. тиллодонты
* * *тиллодонты
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Dinocerata — Temporal range: Late Paleocene–Late Eocene … Wikipedia
Tillodontia — Taxobox name = Tillodonts fossil range = Fossil range|65|40Early Paleocene Late Eocene regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = TillodontiaTillodontia is an extinct order of mammals that may be related to the pantodonts. They … Wikipedia
TNM 02067 — TNM 02067 (Tanzanian National Museums specimen 02067)[Note 1] is a fragmentary fossil dentary (lower jaw) from the Cretaceous (between 146 and 66 million years ago) of Tanzania. The short, deep bone is about 19.5 mm (0.77 in) long … Wikipedia