- bight beach
берег бухты
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Beach House Turks and Caicos — (Грейс Бэй,о ва Теркс и Кайкос) Категория отеля: Адрес: 218 Lower Bigh … Каталог отелей
Beach evolution — The shoreline is where the land meets the sea and it is continually changing. Over the long term, the water is eroding the land. Beaches represent a special case, in that they exist where sand accumulated from the same processes that strip away… … Wikipedia
Shell Beach — Der Shell Beach ist ein ca. 40 km langer Küstenstreifen an der westaustralischen Shark Bay, der aus einer bis zu 10 Meter dicken Schicht aus Milliarden von Herzmuscheln der Art Fragum erugatum besteht. Er säumt die L Haridon Bight an der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shell Beach, Western Australia — Shell Beach is a beach and locality in the Shark Bay region of Western Australia, 45 kilometres south east of Denham.It covers a 110 km long stretch of coast along the L Haridon Bight. It is one of only two beaches in the world made entirely from … Wikipedia
Stockton Beach, New South Wales — Stockton Beach is located north of the Hunter River in New South Wales. It is Convert|32|km|mi|0|lk=on long and stretches from Stockton to Anna Bay. Over many years Stockton Beach has been the site of numerous shipwrecks and aircraft crash sites … Wikipedia
Ninety Mile Beach (Victoria) — False colour NASA landsat image of Ninety Mile Beach and the Gippsland Lakes The Ninety Mile Beach is a sandy stretch of south eastern coastline of Victoria, Australia along the Gippsland Lakes region of East Gippsland on Bass Strait. The beach… … Wikipedia
L'Haridon Bight — L Haridon BightIs one of the bays on the eastern side of the Peron Peninsula in the Shark Bay World Heritage Site in the Gascoyne region of Western AustraliaAt its southern end lies Shell Beach and its mouth in the north it is just south of Faure … Wikipedia
Foxton Beach — Location map New Zealand label=Foxton Beach lat dir=S | lat deg=40 | lat min=28 lon dir=E | lon deg=175 | lon min=13 position=left width= 150 float=right caption=Foxton Beach is a small settlement in the Horowhenua District of the Manawatu… … Wikipedia
Torre Sunrise Beach Apto 102 Bloque 5 - Su Casa inmobiliaria del Caribe — (Сан Андрес,Колумбия) Категория отеля … Каталог отелей
Torre Sunrise Beach Apto 103 B5- Su Casa Inmobiliaria del Caribe — (Сан Андрес,Колумбия) Категория отеля: Адре … Каталог отелей
Silver Palm Beach House — (Грейс Бэй,о ва Теркс и Кайкос) Категория отеля: Адрес: Lower Bight, Prince … Каталог отелей