- three-component magnetometer measurements
трехкомпонентная магниторазведка
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Magnetometer — A magnetometer is a measuring instrument used to measure the strength or direction of a magnetic field either produced in the laboratory or existing in nature. Some countries such as the USA, Canada and Australia classify the more sensitive… … Wikipedia
Spacecraft magnetometers — Magnetometers are one of the most widely used scientific instruments in exploratory and observation satellites. These instruments were instrumental in the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts around Earth, discovered on the very first… … Wikipedia
HyShot — is a research project of The University of Queensland, Australia Centre for Hypersonics, to demonstrate the possibility of supersonic combustion under flight conditions and compare the results of shock tunnel experiments.The HyShot Flight Program … Wikipedia
Earth exploration — Introduction the investigation of the surface of the Earth and of its interior. By the beginning of the 20th century most of the Earth s surface had been explored, at least superficially, except for the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Today the… … Universalium
Aurora (astronomy) — Aurora Borealis redirects here. For other uses, see Aurora Borealis (disambiguation). Aurora Australis redirects here. For the ship, see Aurora Australis (icebreaker). For the book, see Aurora Australis (book). Northern lights redirects here. For … Wikipedia
Europa (moon) — Europa Europa s trailing hemisphere in approximate natural color. The prominent crater in the lower right is Pwyll and the darker regions are areas where Europa s primarily water ice surface has a higher mineral content. Imaged on September 7,… … Wikipedia
Luna 2 — LunarOrbiter Name=Luna 2 Organization=Soviet Union Contractors=OKB 1 MissionType=Lunar Science Lunar impact LaunchDate=September 12, 1959 at 06:39:42 UTC LaunchVehicle=R 7 (Luna 8K72) MissionHighlight=Lunar impact (see below) MissionDuration=33.5 … Wikipedia
geomagnetic field — Magnetic field associated with the Earth. It is essentially dipolar (i.e., it has two poles, the northern and southern magnetic poles) on the Earth s surface. Away from the surface, the field becomes distorted. Most geomagnetists explain the… … Universalium
Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity. Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… … Universalium
Geophysical MASINT — is a branch of Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) that involves phenomena transmitted through the earth (ground, water, atmosphere) and manmade structures including emitted or reflected sounds, pressure waves, vibrations, and… … Wikipedia
astronomy — /euh stron euh mee/, n. the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth s atmosphere. [1175 1225; ME astronomie ( < AF) < L astronomia < Gk. See ASTRO , NOMY] * * * I Science dealing with the origin, evolution, composition,… … Universalium