- thermonatrite
- термонатрит, Na2CO3*H2
* * *термонатрит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
thermonatrite — ▪ mineral a carbonate mineral, hydrated sodium carbonate (Na2CO3·H2O), found near saline lakes as an evaporation product or on arid soil as an efflorescence. It is usually associated with natron (Na2CO3·10H2O) and trona, which alter to it… … Universalium
thermonatrite — termonatritas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė Na₂[CO₃]·H₂O atitikmenys: angl. thermonatrite rus. термонатрит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
thermonatrite — noun A saline evaporite, consisting of sodium carbonate, with the chemical formula NaCO middot;HO … Wiktionary
thermonatrite — ther·mo·na·trite … English syllables
thermonatrite — ˌthərməˈnā.ˌtrīt noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary therm + natron + ite; originally formed as German thermonatrit; from its being produced by the action of heat on natron : a mineral Na2CO3.H2O consisting of native hydrous… … Useful english dictionary
Natron — is a naturally occurring mixture of sodium carbonate decahydrate (Na2CO3·10H2O, a kind of soda ash) and about 17% sodium bicarbonate (also called nahcolite[1] o … Wikipedia
Thermonatrit — Villiaumit mit weißer Überkrustung aus Thermonatrit Chemische Formel Na2[CO3] • H2O … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of minerals S-T (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
Sodium carbonate — Sodium carbonate … Wikipedia
Nahcolite — General Category Mineral Chemical formula NaHCO3 Strunz classification 05.AA.15 Dana classification … Wikipedia
Liste des mineraux (lettre T) — Liste des minéraux (lettre T) liste des minéraux A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W … Wikipédia en Français