thermal gradient

thermal gradient
термический градиент

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "thermal gradient" в других словарях:

  • Thermal shock — is the name given to cracking as a result of rapid temperature change. Glass and ceramic objects are particularly vulnerable to this form of failure, due to their low toughness, low thermal conductivity, and high thermal expansion coefficients.… …   Wikipedia

  • Ocean Thermal Gradient-Kraftwerk — Ein Meereswärmekraftwerk gewinnt elektrischen Strom aus dem Temperaturunterschied zwischen kalten und warmen Wassermassen in unterschiedlichen Tiefen der Meere. International gebräuchlich für diese Art der Erneuerbaren Energie ist die Abkürzung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Thermal barrier coating — Thermal barrier coatings are highly advanced material systems applied to metallic surfaces, such as gas turbine or aero engine parts, operating at elevated temperatures. These coatings serve to insulate metallic components from large and… …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal laser stimulation — represents a class of defect imaging techniques which employ a laser to produce a thermal variation in a semiconductor device. [Harvnb|Beaudoin|Desplats|Perdue|Boit|2004] This technique may be used for semiconductor failure analysis. There are… …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal history modelling — is an exercise undertaken during basin modelling to evaluate the temperature history of stratigraphic layers in a sedimentary basin.The thermal history of a basin is usually calibrated using thermal indicator data, including vitrinite reflectance …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal Hall effect — The thermal Hall effect is the thermal analog of the Hall effect. Here, a thermal gradient is produced across a solid instead of an electric field. When a magnetic field is applied, an orthogonal temperature gradient develops. For conductors, a… …   Wikipedia

  • thermal shadow — The tone contrast difference of infrared linescan imagery which is caused by a thermal gradient which persists as a result of a shadow of an object which has been moved …   Military dictionary

  • thermal shock — stresses induced in a material because of a rapid temperature change or a thermal gradient …   Mechanics glossary

  • Thermal diffusion — may refer to:* Brownian motion (at constant non zero temperature ). * Diffusion in a temperature gradient (thermophoresis).See also: * Diffusion * Heat conduction …   Wikipedia

  • Ocean thermal gradient — (OTG)   Temperature differences between deep and surface water. Deep water is likely to be 25 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit colder. The term also refers to experimental technology that could use the temperature differences as a means to produce energy …   Energy terms

  • Thermal conduction — In heat transfer, conduction (or heat conduction) is a mode of transfer of energy within and between bodies of matter, due to a temperature gradient. Conduction means collisional and diffusive transfer of kinetic energy of particles of ponderable …   Wikipedia

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