
тералит (группа основных изверженных пород)
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "theralite" в других словарях:

  • Theralite — (from Greek to pursue ) is, in petrology, a group of plutonic holocrystalline rocks consisting of nepheline, basic plagioclase, augite and olivine, and so called because of its rare occurrence. Its discovery was looked forward to with interest as …   Wikipedia

  • théralite — ● théralite nom féminin (de Théra, nom propre) Roche plutonique mésocrate, à plagioclase abondant, feldspathoïde et feldspath alcalin, augite, amphibole et biotite avec parfois de l olivine …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • theralite — /thear euh luyt /, n. a coarse grained, phaneritic rock composed of labradorite, nepheline, and augite. [ < Gk théra hunting + LITE; said to be so called because success in hunting it down was thought to be certain] * * * ▪ mineral       any… …   Universalium

  • theralite — /ˈθɛrəlaɪt/ (say theruhluyt) noun a coarse grained basic igneous rock consisting of plagioclase, nepheline, augite, and often biotite, analcite, or olivine. {Greek thēra prey + lite} …  

  • theralite — /thear euh luyt /, n. a coarse grained, phaneritic rock composed of labradorite, nepheline, and augite. [ < Gk théra hunting + LITE; said to be so called because success in hunting it down was thought to be certain] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Geochemistry — The field of geochemistry involves study of the chemical composition of the Earth and other planets, chemical processes and reactions that govern the composition of rocks and soils, and the cycles of matter and energy that transport the Earth s… …   Wikipedia

  • List of rock types — This page is intended as a list of all rock types. NOTOC A : Amphibolite: Andesite: Anorthosite : Anthracite: Aplite: Argillite: Arkose B : Banded iron formation: Basalt: Basanite: Blueschist: Boninite: Breccia C : Carbonatite: Cataclasite: Chalk …   Wikipedia

  • essexite — ▪ rock       dark gray to black, fine grained, intrusive igneous rock that occurs in Essex County, Mass.; at Mount Royal, near Montreal; near Oslo, Nor.; at Roztoky, Czech Republic; and at Carclout, Scot. It contains plagioclase as the dominant… …   Universalium

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