- temporary support
временная крепь
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
temporary support — See temporary alimony; temporary child support … Ballentine's law dictionary
temporary restraining order — see order 3b Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. temporary restraining order … Law dictionary
Temporary Internet Files — is a directory on Microsoft Windows computer systems. The directory is used by Internet Explorer to cache pages and other multimedia content, such as video and audio files, from websites visited by the user. This allows such websites to load more … Wikipedia
Temporary licence — Temporary licence, formally called release on temporary licence (ROTL) and also informally known as temporary release, is a form of temporary parole for prisoners in jail in English and Welsh prisons.[1][2][3] ROTL is divided into three… … Wikipedia
Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill — The Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill 2008 was a bill, introduced in the British parliament, designed to secure equal pay and terms for working time between vulnerable agency workers and their permanent staff counterparts. It… … Wikipedia
temporary — That which is to last for a limited time only, as distinguished from that which is perpetual, or indefinite, in its duration. Opposite of permanent. Thus, temporary alimony is granted for the support of the wife pending the action for divorce; a… … Black's law dictionary
temporary — tem|po|rar|y [ tempə,reri ] adjective *** existing, done, or used for only a limited period of time: These measures are only temporary. a temporary job a temporary exhibit of Neo classical sculpture temporary accommodation a. temporary workers do … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Support group — In a support group, members provide each other with various types of help, usually nonprofessional and nonmaterial, for a particular shared, usually burdensome, characteristic. The help may take the form of providing and evaluating relevant… … Wikipedia
Temporary Commission of Confederated Independence Parties — Komisja Tymczasowa Skonfederowanych Stronnictw Niepodległościowych (TKSSN, Temporary (or Provisional) Commission of Confederated Independence Parties) later just Komisja Skonfederowanych Stronnictw Niepodległościowych (KSSN, Commission of… … Wikipedia
Temporary National Economic Committee — Following a message from President Franklin D. Roosevelt in April 1938 concerning issues of business monopoly, Congress established a Temporary National Economic Committee between 1938 and 1941 to perform a detailed study of the economy. The… … Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era
temporary allowance — An award by the court to be paid by the party against whom it is directed during the pendency and before final determination of the action, as in the case of an award of temporary alimony or of child support … Ballentine's law dictionary