tectonite — ● tectonite nom féminin Roche ayant subi une déformation d origine tectonique … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tectonite — Tectonites are rocks whose fabric reflects the history of their deformation, or rocks with fabric that clearly displays coordinated geometric features that indicate continuous solid (ductile) flow during formation. ClassificationS Tectonites have … Wikipedia
tectonite — tec·ton·ite … English syllables
tectonite — ˌnīt noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary tecton + ite : a rock that has undergone differential movement of its component parts and in consequence still retains a coherent fabric … Useful english dictionary
Shear (geology) — Study of geological shear is related to the study of structural geology, rock microstructure or rock texture and fault mechanics. Shear is the response of a rock to deformation usually by compressive stress and forms particular textures. Shear… … Wikipedia
List of rock textures — This page is intended to be a list of rock textural and morphological terms. A * Adcumulate * Agglomeritic * Adamantine a type of lustre * Amygdaloidal * Anhedral * Antitaxial veins * Aphanitic * Aplitic; aplite * Augen textured gneiss *… … Wikipedia
Fabric (geology) — [ Hobbs,B.E., Means,W.D. Williams,P.F. 1976. An outline of structural geology. John Wiley sons, p.73.] .Types of fabric* Primary fabric a fabric created during the original formation of the rock e.g. a preferred orientation of clast long axes in… … Wikipedia
Ophiolite — Ordovician ophiolite in Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland. An ophiolite ( / … Wikipedia
Foliation (geology) — Foliation is any penetrative planar fabric present in rocks. Foliation is common to rocks affected by regional metamorphic compression typical of orogenic belts. Rocks exhibiting foliation include the typical metamorphic rock sequence of slate,… … Wikipedia
Lineation (geology) — Lineations in structural geology are linear structural features within rocks. There are two types of lineations, intersection lineations and stretching lineations.Intersection lineationsIntersection lineations are imaginary linear structures… … Wikipedia
Emily Ann and Maggie Hays nickel mines — The Emily Ann and Maggie Hays nickel deposits are situated approximately 150km west of the town of Norseman, Western Australia, within the Lake Johnston Greenstone Belt [Hill R.E.T, Barnes S.J., Gole M.J., and Dowling S.E., 1990. Physical… … Wikipedia