- taxonomic system
таксономическая система
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
taxonomic system — noun a coherent system of taxonomic judgements on circumscription and placement of the considered taxa. A taxonomic system will be restricted to a large but limited part of the living world. ::Current systems for the taxonomy of flowering plants… … Wiktionary
taxonomic system — a hierarchy of classification … Dictionary of ichthyology
system — n. group of items serving a common purpose 1) an air conditioning; amplifying; brake; data processing; filing; guidance; heating; highway (AE), motorway (BE), road; intercommunication; life support; number; public address; railroad (AE), railway… … Combinatory dictionary
system — noun Etymology: Late Latin systemat , systema, from Greek systēmat , systēma, from synistanai to combine, from syn + histanai to cause to stand more at stand Date: 1603 1. a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified … New Collegiate Dictionary
system — 1. [TA] A consistent and complex whole made up of correlated and semiindependent parts. A complex of functionally related anatomic structures. 2. The entire organism seen as a complex organization of parts. 3. Any complex of structures… … Medical dictionary
taxonomic hierarchy — a hierarchical system of taxonomic categories arranged in an ascending series of ranks … Dictionary of ichthyology
taxonomic group — An organisms location in the biological classification system used to identify and group organisms with similar physical, chemical and/or structural composition … Fisheries — dictionary
Melchior system — This is the named Melchior system, a reference in all taxonomic courses ,[1] detailing the taxonomic system of the Angiospermae according to A. Engler s Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien 1964 [2] (also known as modified or updated Engler system). The … Wikipedia
Canadian system of soil classification — The Canadian system of soil classification is more closely related to the American system than any other. They differ in several ways. The Canadian system is designed to cover only Canadian soils. The Canadian system dispenses with a sub order… … Wikipedia
De Candolle system — An early taxonomic system, the de Candolle system was originally published in : A. P. de Candolle (2nd edition, 1819). Théorie élémentaire de la botanique, ou exposition des principes de la classification naturelle et de l’art de décrire et… … Wikipedia
Bentham & Hooker system — An early taxonomic system, the Bentham Hooker system for seed plants was published in ::cite book|author = G. Bentham J.D. Hooker|year = three volumes, 1862–1883|title = Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata… … Wikipedia