tail car

tail car
задняя опора

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "tail car" в других словарях:

  • tail light — tail lamp or tail light noun (esp N American) A usu red light carried at the back of a train, tram, car or other vehicle • • • Main Entry: ↑tail * * * tail light UK US noun [countable] [singular tail light …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tail (Unix) — tail est une commande UNIX qui permet d afficher les dernières lignes de texte d un fichier ou de l entrée standard. Syntaxe La syntaxe est la suivante : tail [options] <fichier> Par défaut, tail affiche les 10 dernières lignes de son… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • tail (Unix) — tail est une commande UNIX qui permet d afficher les dernières lignes de texte d un fichier ou de l entrée standard. Syntaxe La syntaxe est la suivante : tail [options] <fichier> Par défaut, tail affiche les 10 dernières lignes de son… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • tail-light — tail lights also taillight N COUNT The tail lights on a car or other vehicle are the two red lights at the back. She stood watching the car s tail lights disappear down the drive. Syn: rear light …   English dictionary

  • Car handling — and vehicle handling is a description of the way wheeled vehicles perform transverse to their direction of motion, particularly during cornering and swerving. It also includes their stability when moving in a straight line. Handling and braking… …   Wikipedia

  • tail fin — 1. a fixed or adjustable fin on the rear of a rocket, car, etc.: sometimes written tailfin n. 2. Zool. a movable fin that forms the tail of a fish, the fluke of a whale, etc. * * * …   Universalium

  • tail fin — ► NOUN 1) Zoology a fin at the posterior end of a fish s body. 2) a projecting vertical surface on the tail of an aircraft, housing the rudder and providing stability. 3) an upswept projection on each rear corner of a motor car, popular in the… …   English terms dictionary

  • tail fin — 1. a fixed or adjustable fin on the rear of a rocket, car, etc.: sometimes written tailfin n. 2. Zool. a movable fin that forms the tail of a fish, the fluke of a whale, etc …   English World dictionary

  • tail|light — tail light, or tail|light «TAYL LYT», noun. a warning light, usually red, at the rear of a car, truck, train, or other vehicle …   Useful english dictionary

  • Car|di|gan — «KAHR duh guhn», noun. a knitted jacket or sweater that opens down the front. ╂[< the seventh Earl of Cardigan, 1797 1868] Car|di|gan «KAHR duh guhn», noun. one of two varieties of Welsh corgi, characterized by a relatively long tail. ╂[<… …   Useful english dictionary

  • car|di|gan — «KAHR duh guhn», noun. a knitted jacket or sweater that opens down the front. ╂[< the seventh Earl of Cardigan, 1797 1868] Car|di|gan «KAHR duh guhn», noun. one of two varieties of Welsh corgi, characterized by a relatively long tail. ╂[<… …   Useful english dictionary

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