- berel
грань драгоценного камня
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
berel — berel, bereel obs. forms of beryl … Useful english dictionary
Berel Wein — is an American born Orthodox rabbi, scholar, lecturer, and writer. He is regarded as an expert on Jewish history and has popularized the subject through more than 1,000 audio tapes, a four volume book series, newspaper articles and international… … Wikipedia
Berel Wein — Dov Baer Wein, plus connu sous le nom de Berel Wein (ou Berl ou Beryl) est un rabbin orthodoxe d origine lituanienne né aux États Unis. Considéré comme un expert en histoire juive, il a popularisé le sujet avec plus de 1000 cassettes audio, une… … Wikipédia en Français
Berel Lazar — Rabbi Berel Lazar (born 1964) is an Orthodox rabbi affiliated with the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidic movement. He is presently one of two claimants to the title Chief Rabbi of Russia , is the chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities. In… … Wikipedia
Berel Soloveitchik — Rabbi Berel (Yosef Dov) Soloveitchik was the son of Rabbi Yitzchak Zev Soloveitchik and one of the leading Rosh Yeshivas ( heads of the yeshiva ) of the Brisk yeshivas in Jerusalem, Israel. He was a first cousin to Joseph B. Soloveitchik, who was … Wikipedia
Belaïa Bérel — Белая Берель Caractéristiques Longueur 115 km Bassin 1 040 km2 Bassin collecteur … Wikipédia en Français
Sarah Berel Harrop — is a straight ally who advocates for LGBT rights and other social justice issues in Houston, TX. She is associated with the PFLAG Houston chapter, as well as the Unitarian Fellowship of Houston. Sarah Berel Harrop Personal details Residence… … Wikipedia
Claude Berel Langmann — Claude Berri Pour les articles homonymes, voir Berri. Claude Berri Claude Berri Nom de naissance Claude Berel Langmann Naissance 1er … Wikipédia en Français
Lazar, Berel — (1964– ) Religious leader. A member of the Chabad Lubavitch, an ultraorthodox Hassidic movement currently headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, Rabbi Berel Lazar is recognized by the Russian government to be the leader of the country’s Jewish… … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation
Dov Schwartzman — Berel „Dov“ Schwartzman (* 1921 in Russland; † 6. November 2011 in Jerusalem) war ein US amerikanischer ultraorthodoxer Rabbiner. Schwartzman, Sohn des Rabbiners Yehoshua Zev Schwartzman, studierte an der Hebron Jeschiwa. In erster Ehe war er mit … Deutsch Wikipedia
bereel — berel, bereel obs. forms of beryl … Useful english dictionary