- svabite
- свабит, арсенат кальция, Ca5(AsO,i)3F
* * *• арсенат кальция• свабит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
svabite — ▪ mineral arsenate mineral, calcium fluoride arsenate [Ca5(AsO4)3F], in the apatite group of phosphates. Typical specimens are transparent, colourless prisms and masses, as at Pajsberg, Swed., and Franklin, N.J., U.S. The svabite series,… … Universalium
svabite — svab·ite … English syllables
svabite — ˈsfäˌbīt, ˈsvä noun ( s) Etymology: Swedish svabit, from Anton Svab died 1768 Swedish mining official + Swedish it ite : a mineral Ca5F(AsO4)3 consisting of fluoride arsenate of calcium that is at least partially isomorphous with apatite,… … Useful english dictionary
Apatite — Catégorie VIII : phosphates, arséniates, vanadates[1] Apatite Québec (Xl 32cm) … Wikipédia en Français
Phosphohedyphane — Catégorie VIII : phosphates, arséniates, vanadates[1] Phosphohedyphane, Mine de Saint Salvy, France (15x13cm) … Wikipédia en Français
List of minerals S-T (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
Classification of minerals — This list gives an overview of the classification of minerals (non silicates) and includes mostly IMA recognized minerals and its groupings. This list complements the alphabetical list on List of minerals (complete) and List of minerals. Rocks,… … Wikipedia
apatite — /ap euh tuyt /, n. a common mineral, calcium fluorophosphate, Ca5FP3O12, occurring in individual crystals and in masses and varying in color, formerly used in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers. [1795 1805; < Gk apát(e) trickery, fraud,… … Universalium
Adélite — Ne doit pas être confondu avec Adelites. Adélite[1] Catégorie VIII : phosphates, arséniates, vanadates[2] … Wikipédia en Français