- surveying technique
• метод исследований• метод разведки• методика исследований• методика съемки
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
surveying — /seuhr vay ing/, n. 1. the science or scientific method of making surveys of land. 2. the occupation of one who makes land surveys. 3. the act of one who surveys: The surveying required nearly two days. [1425 75; late ME: act of examining… … Universalium
Surveying — For other uses, see Survey (disambiguation). US Navy Surveyor at work with a leveling instrument … Wikipedia
Magnetic Surveying in Archaeology (book) — Magnetic Surveying in Archaeology (Wormianum, 2008, ISBN 978 87 89531 29 8) is a book written by Russian archaeologist T. N. Smekalova together with O. Voss and S. L. Smekalov. In the book researches collected information about magnetic… … Wikipedia
Magnetic Surveying in Archaeology — may refer to: Magnetic survey (archaeology), a technique used in archaeological geophysics. A book by Russian archaeologist T. N. Smekalova, with O. Voss and S. L. Smekalov: Magnetic Surveying in Archaeology (book). This disambiguation page lists … Wikipedia
Computer-assisted web interviewing — Sociology … Wikipedia
CAPI — may refer to:* Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants, a service for immigrants in the US not eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) * Common Application Programmer s Interface, LispWorks Common Lisp GUI toolkit * COMMON ISDN API, Common … Wikipedia
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing — Sociology … Wikipedia
New York-Pennsylvania border — The New York Pennsylvania Border has three sections:* along the center line of the Delaware River from the tri point with New Jersey at the confluence of the Delaware with the Neversink River in Port Jervis, New York to the 42nd parallel north… … Wikipedia
Automated computer telephone interviewing — (ACTI) is a telephone surveying technique by which a computer with speaker independent voice recognition capabilities asks respondents a series of questions, recognizes then stores the answers, and is able to follow scripted logic and branch… … Wikipedia
New York–Pennsylvania border — Tristate Rock, the eastern terminus of the New York Pennsylvania state line The New York–Pennsylvania border is the state line between the U.S. states of New York and Pennsylvania. It has three sections: along the center line of the Delaware… … Wikipedia
GPS — ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY GLOSSARY A surveying technique that uses signals from a series of artificial satellites to determine position on the Earth s surface … Glossary of volcanic terms