- surfeit
рудничный газ
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Surfeit — Sur feit, n. [OE. surfet, OF. surfait, sorfait, excess, arrogance, crime, fr. surfaire, sorfaire, to augment, exaggerate, F. surfaire to overcharge; sur over + faire to make, do, L. facere. See {Sur }, and {Fact}.] 1. Excess in eating and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Surfeit — Sur feit, v. i. 1. To load the stomach with food, so that sickness or uneasiness ensues; to eat to excess. [1913 Webster] They are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that starve with nothing. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To indulge to satiety… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Surfeit — Sur feit, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Surfeited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Surfeiting}.] 1. To feed so as to oppress the stomach and derange the function of the system; to overfeed, and produce satiety, sickness, or uneasiness; often reflexive; as, to surfeit… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
surfeit — [n] excess bellyful*, glut*, overabundance, overflow, overfullness, overindulgence, overkill, overmuch, overplus, plenitude, plethora, profusion, remainder, repletion, satiety, satisfaction, saturation, superabundance, superfluity, surplus, up to … New thesaurus
surfeit — [sʉr′fit] n. [ME surfet < OFr sorfait < sorfaire, to overdo < LL * superficere < L super (see SUPER ) + facere, to make, DO1] 1. too great an amount or supply; excess (of) [a surfeit of compliments] 2. overindulgence, esp. in food or… … English World dictionary
Surfeit — is a human gene cluster that consists of a group of very tightly linked genes on chromosome 9 that do not share sequence similarity. Genes in this cluster are numbered 1 through 6: SURF1, SURF2, SURF3, SURF4, SURF5, and SURF6 … Wikipedia
surfeit — I noun avalanche, deluge, excess, excessive amount, fullness, glut, inundation, nimiety, overabundance, overdose, overflow, overfullness, overload, oversupply, plenty, profuseness, profusion, redundance, repletion, satiation, satietas, satiety,… … Law dictionary
surfeit — (n.) early 14c., excess quantity; late 14c., overindulgence, from O.Fr. surfet excess, noun use of pp. of surfaire overdo, from sur over + faire do, from L. facere to make (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)). The verb is first recorded late 14c … Etymology dictionary
surfeit — vb *satiate, sate, cloy, pall, glut, gorge Antonyms: whet … New Dictionary of Synonyms
surfeit — ► NOUN 1) an excess. 2) archaic an illness caused by excessive eating or drinking. ► VERB (surfeited, surfeiting) 1) cause to be wearied of something through excess. 2) archaic overeat … English terms dictionary
surfeit — sur|feit [ sɜrfıt ] noun a surfeit of something FORMAL too much of something: a surfeit of wine a surfeit of gossip … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English