surface survey

surface survey
наземная разведка
наземная съемка
наземные исследования
съемка поверхности

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "surface survey" в других словарях:

  • Survey marker — Survey markers, or survey monuments, are objects placed to mark key survey points on the earth s surface. They are used in geodetic and land surveying. Vertical elevation markers are also known as benchmarks, and horizontal position markers used… …   Wikipedia

  • Survey — Sur vey, n. [Formerly accentuated universally on the last syllable, and still so accented by many speakers.] 1. The act of surveying; a general view, as from above. [1913 Webster] Under his proud survey the city lies. Sir J. Denham. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Survey of dogs — Survey Sur vey, n. [Formerly accentuated universally on the last syllable, and still so accented by many speakers.] 1. The act of surveying; a general view, as from above. [1913 Webster] Under his proud survey the city lies. Sir J. Denham. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Surface Water Ocean Topography Mission — The Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission is a proposed NASA mission to make the first global survey of Earth’s surface water. It is one of 15 missions that the 2007 National Research Council’s decadal survey of Earth science recommends… …   Wikipedia

  • survey — verb (t) /sɜˈveɪ / (say ser vay), /ˈsɜveɪ / (say servay) 1. to take a general or comprehensive view of. 2. to view in detail, especially to inspect or examine formally or officially in order to ascertain condition, value, etc. 3. to determine the …  

  • surface analysis — ▪ chemistry Introduction       in analytical chemistry (chemistry), the study of that part of a solid that is in contact with a gas or a vacuum. When two phases of matter are in contact, they form an interface. The term surface is usually… …   Universalium

  • Surface runoff — Runoff flowing into a stormwater drain Surface runoff is the water flow that occurs when soil is infiltrated to full capacity and excess water from rain, meltwater, or other sources flows over the land. This is a major component of the water… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface minimale — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Surface (homonymie). En mathématiques et en physique, une surface minimale est une surface minimisant son aire. Ce minimum est réalisé sous une contrainte : un ensemble de points, le bord de la surface, est… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Surface of class VII — In mathematics, surfaces of class VII are non algebraic complex surfaces studied by (Kodaira 1964, 1968) that have Kodaira dimension −∞ and first Betti number 1. Minimal surfaces of class VII (those with no rational curves with self… …   Wikipedia

  • Survey vessel — A survey vessel is any type of ship or boat that is used for mapping. It is a type of Research vessel. RoleThe task of survey vessels is to map the bottom, benthic zone, full water column, and surface for the purpose of: * hydrography * general… …   Wikipedia

  • Trigonometrical survey — Survey Sur vey, n. [Formerly accentuated universally on the last syllable, and still so accented by many speakers.] 1. The act of surveying; a general view, as from above. [1913 Webster] Under his proud survey the city lies. Sir J. Denham. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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