surface observations

surface observations
наземные измерения
наземные наблюдения

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "surface observations" в других словарях:

  • Surface weather analysis — A surface weather analysis is a special type of weather map that provides a view of weather elements over a geographical area at a specified time based on information from ground based weather stations. [ Air Apparent: How Meteorologists Learned… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface weather observation — Surface weather observations are the fundamental data used for safety as well as climatological reasons to forecast weather and issue warnings worldwide. [Office of the Federal Coordinator of Meteorology. [ 1/pdf/B CH2.pdf… …   Wikipedia

  • SURFACE (PHÉNOMÈNES DE) — La surface d’un solide ou d’un liquide est une région s’étendant sur quelques distances atomiques qui sépare l’intérieur du matériau du milieu extérieur: en général, le vide ou un gaz. Si le milieu extérieur est une autre phase dense, liquide ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Surface de derniere diffusion — Surface de dernière diffusion Pour les articles homonymes, voir Surface (homoymie). La surface de dernière diffusion est la région de l espace d où a été émis le rayonnement électromagnétique le plus ancien de l univers que l on observe aujourd… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Surface brightness — is a concept used in astronomy when describing extended astronomical objects such as galaxies and nebulae.General descriptionThe apparent magnitude of an astronomical object is generally given as an integrated value mdash;if a galaxy is quoted as …   Wikipedia

  • Surface brightness fluctuation — (SBF) is a secondary distance indicator used to estimate distances to galaxies. The technique uses the fact that galaxies are made up of a finite number of stars. The number of stars in any small patch of the galaxy will vary from point to point …   Wikipedia

  • Observations and explorations of Venus — Venus in real color as it would appear to the naked eye. Observations of the planet Venus were first recorded by Babylonian astronomers around 1600 BC and have continued into the present.[dubious – …   Wikipedia

  • Surface wave — Diving grebe creates surface waves In physics, a surface wave is a mechanical wave that propagates along the interface between differing media, usually two fluids with different densities. A surface wave can also be an electromagnetic wave guided …   Wikipedia

  • Surface diffusion — [ adatom diffusing across a square surface lattice. Note the frequency of vibration of the adatom is greater than the jump rate to nearby sites. Also, the model displays examples of both nearest neighbor jumps (straight) and next nearest neighbor …   Wikipedia

  • Surface de dernière diffusion — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Surface (homonymie). La surface de dernière diffusion est la région de l espace d où a été émis le rayonnement électromagnétique le plus ancien de l univers que l on observe aujourd hui, le fond diffus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Surface wave magnitude — The Surface wave magnitude (MS) is one of the magnitude scales used in seismology to measure the size of an earthquake. It is based on measurements in Rayleigh surface waves that primarily travel along the uppermost layers of the earth. It is… …   Wikipedia

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