surface loss

surface loss
поглощение (солнечной радиации) в поверхностном слое воды

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "surface loss" в других словарях:

  • Surface science — is the study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases, including solid liquid interfaces, solid gas interfaces, solid vacuum interfaces, and liquid gas interfaces. It includes the fields of surface chemistry… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy — Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, or Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, often abbreviated SERS, is a surface sensitive technique that results in the enhancement of Raman scattering by molecules adsorbed on rough metal surfaces. The enhancement …   Wikipedia

  • Surface-mount technology — (SMT) is a method for constructing electronic circuits in which the components (SMC, or Surface Mounted Components) are mounted directly onto the surface of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Electronic devices so made are called surface mount… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface engineering — is the sub discipline of materials science which deals with the surface of solid matter. It has applications to chemistry, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering (particularly in relation to semiconductor manufacturing).Solids are… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface grinding — is used to produce a smooth finish on flat surfaces. It is a widely used abrasive machining process in which a spinning wheel covered in rough particles (grinding wheel) cuts chips of metallic or non metallic substance from a workpiece, making a… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface phonon — Phonons are collective lattice vibration modes, and surface phonons are those particular modes associated with surfaces; they are an artifact of periodicity, symmetry, and the termination of bulk crystal structure associated with the surface… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface runoff — Runoff flowing into a stormwater drain Surface runoff is the water flow that occurs when soil is infiltrated to full capacity and excess water from rain, meltwater, or other sources flows over the land. This is a major component of the water… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface area to volume ratio — In chemical reactions involving a solid material, the surface area to volume ratio is an important factor for the reactivity, that is, the rate at which the chemical reaction will proceed. In some industries it is abbreviated sa/vol.Physical… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface Deployment and Distribution Command — US Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Surface Deployment and Distribution Command shoulder sleeve insignia Active …   Wikipedia

  • Surface epithelial-stromal tumor — ICD9|220 ICDO = Caption = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = DiseasesDB = Surface epithelial stromal tumors are a class of ovarian neoplasms that may be benign or malignant. Neoplasms in this group are thought to be derived… …   Wikipedia

  • surface law — at constant temperature, the heat production, heat loss, and oxygen consumption in an animal are inversely proportional to the free surface or to the square of a linear dimension …   Medical dictionary

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