surface indications

surface indications
естественные признаки
поверхностные признаки

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "surface indications" в других словарях:

  • SURFACE (PHÉNOMÈNES DE) — La surface d’un solide ou d’un liquide est une région s’étendant sur quelques distances atomiques qui sépare l’intérieur du matériau du milieu extérieur: en général, le vide ou un gaz. Si le milieu extérieur est une autre phase dense, liquide ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Surface of general type — In algebraic geometry, a surface of general type is an algebraic surface with Kodaira dimension 2.These are all algebraic, and in some sense most surfaces are in this class. ClassificationGieseker showed that there is a coarse moduli scheme for… …   Wikipedia

  • History of surface weather analysis — The history of surface weather analysis concerns the timetable of developments related to surface weather analysis. Initially a tool of study for the behavior of storms, surface weather analyses became a work in progress to explain current… …   Wikipedia

  • Panneau routier d'indications diverses en France — Panneau C50 Catégorie Signalisation d indication Signification Indications diverses Apparu en 1979 Modèle en vigueur 1979 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lunar Surface Access Module — Altair (véhicule spatial) Vue d artiste en 2006 du lancement du module de remontée d Altair …   Wikipédia en Français

  • petroleum production — Introduction       recovery of crude oil and, often, associated natural gas from the Earth.        petroleum is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon material that is believed to have formed in deep sedimentary (sedimentary rock) beds from animal and …   Universalium

  • GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY — Names The name Ereẓ Israel (the Land of Israel) designates the land which, according to the Bible was promised as an inheritance to the Israelite tribes. In the course of time it came to be regarded first by the Jews and then also by the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • water — As designating a commodity or a subject of ownership, this term has the same meaning in law as in common speech; but in another sense, and especially in the plural, it may designate a body of water, such as a river, a lake, or an ocean, or an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • fault — /fawlt/, n. 1. a defect or imperfection; flaw; failing: a fault in the brakes; a fault in one s character. 2. responsibility for failure or a wrongful act: It is my fault that we have not finished. 3. an error or mistake: a fault in addition. 4.… …   Universalium

  • Milecastle 12 — Coordinates: 54°59′48″N 1°47′23″W / 54.996768°N 1.789811°W / 54.996768; 1.789811 …   Wikipedia

  • Cheney Clow — (1734 – 1788) was a loyalist from Delaware during the American Revolution who staged a rebellion against the colonial government that was advocating separation from Great Britain.[1][2] Contents 1 Early life …   Wikipedia

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