supply crew

supply crew
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "supply crew" в других словарях:

  • Supply Officer — was a specialisation in the British Royal Navy which has recently been superseded by the Logistics Officer, although the function remains the same. In centuries past, the Supply Officer had been known as the Clerk, Bursar, Purser and, later, the… …   Wikipedia

  • crew — 1. n. & v. n. (often treated as pl.) 1 a a body of people manning a ship, aircraft, train, etc. b such a body as distinguished from the captain or officers. c a body of people working together; a team. 2 colloq. a company of people; a gang (a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • supply — I. verb (supplied; supplying) Etymology: Middle English supplien to complete, compensate for, from Middle French soupplier, from Latin supplēre to fill up, complete, raise (a military unit, crew) to its full complement, substitute, from sub up +… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Supply tower — which allows maintenance to be performed and, in the case of a manned rocket, the crew to board. Immediately before ignition of the rocket s motors all connections between the tower and the craft are severed and the bridges over which these… …   Wikipedia

  • Platform supply vessel — Supply ship redirects here. For offshore naval replenishment ships (AOR), see Replenishment oiler. Platform Supply Vessel A Platform supply vessel (often abbreviated as PSV) is a ship specially designed to supply offshore oil platforms. These… …   Wikipedia

  • Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! — Infobox comics organization name=The Zoo Crew imagesize= caption=Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew,art by Scott Shaw publisher=DC Comics debut= New Teen Titans #16, February 1982 creators=Roy Thomas Scott Shaw! base=Follywood, Califurnia (Earth C s …   Wikipedia

  • List of USS Triton submerged circumnavigation crew — A total of 188 individuals participated in Operation Sandblast, the first submerged circumnavigation of the world of 1960, onboard the USS|Triton|SSRN 586|6. Quotation I m proud of Triton s around the world cruise, but I didn t really do that.… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Supply Officers in the Royal Navy who have reached flag rank — This is a list of Royal Naval Paymasters and Supply Officers who have reached flag rank, listed in order of seniority as a Rear Admiral. It was customary for some officers to be promoted upon retirement, so some pre war paymaster admirals may not …   Wikipedia

  • USS Supply (1846) — The first USS Supply was a ship rigged sailing vessel in the United States Navy during the Mexican American War and the American Civil War. Supply was purchased by the Navy at Boston, Massachusetts late in 1846 for service during the Mexican… …   Wikipedia

  • List of crew-served weapons of the U.S. Armed Forces — This list contains weapons that are classified as crew served, as the term is used in the United States military. While the general understanding is that crew served weapons require more than one person to operate them, there are important… …   Wikipedia

  • Advanced Crew Escape Suit — The Advanced Crew Escape Suit, or ACES, is a full pressure suit currently worn by all Space Shuttle crews for the ascent and entry portions of flight. The suit is a direct descendant of the U.S. Air Force high altitude pressure suits worn by the… …   Wikipedia

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