- supersede
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
supersede — su·per·sede /ˌsü pər sēd/ vt sed·ed, sed·ing 1: to subject to postponement or suspension; esp: to suspend the operation of (a judgment or order) by means of a supersedeas 2: to take the place of in authority: preempt override 3: to take the place … Law dictionary
supersede — su‧per‧sede [ˌsuːpəˈsiːd ǁ pər ] verb [transitive] 1. if a law, instruction, rule etc supersedes another, it takes its place: • The agreement supersedes a similar contract made five years ago. • The court ruled that the law was superseded by a… … Financial and business terms
Supersede — Su per*sede , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Superseded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Superseding}.] [L. supersedere, supersessum, to sit above, be superior to, forbear, omit; super above + sedere to sit: cf. F. supers[ e]der. See {Sit}, and cf. {Surcease}.] 1. To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
supersede — ► VERB ▪ take the place of; supplant. USAGE The standard spelling is supersede rather than supercede. ORIGIN Latin supersedere be superior to … English terms dictionary
supersede — mid 15c., Scottish, postpone, defer, from M.Fr. superceder desist, delay, defer, from L. supersedere sit on top of, stay clear of, abstain from, forbear, refrain from, from super above (see SUPER (Cf. super )) + sedere to sit (see SEDENTARY (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
supersede — *replace, displace, supplant Analogous words: repudiate, spurn, reject (see DECLINE vb): *abandon, desert, forsake: stay, suspend, intermit (see DEFER) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
supersede — is the correct spelling for the verb meaning ‘to take the place of’. It is derived from the Latin word sedeo ‘sit’, but the influence of accede, intercede, precede, and others (derived from Latin cedo ‘go’) often mistakenly causes this word to be … Modern English usage
supersede — [v] take the place of; override abandon, annul, desert, discard, displace, forsake, oust, outmode, outplace, overrule, reject, remove, replace, repudiate, set aside, succeed, supplant, supplement, suspend, take over, usurp; concepts 128,141 Ant.… … New thesaurus
supersedé — Supersedé, [supersed]ée. part … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
supersede — [so͞o΄pərsēd′] vt. superseded, superseding [MFr superseder, to leave off, give over < L supersedere, lit., to sit over, preside over, forbear: see SUPER & SIT] 1. to cause to be set aside or dropped from use as inferior or obsolete and… … English World dictionary
Supersede — Das Verb superseden (aus dem Englischen to supersede = ersetzen) bezeichnet im Usenet das Versenden einer durch Software automatisch auswertbaren Empfehlung, einen Usenetartikel durch einen neueren zu überschreiben. Dabei wird ein normales… … Deutsch Wikipedia